Linate massacre: President of the Committee on 8 October, ‘unimaginable goals in terms of safety’

Twenty years after the Linate massacre, in which 118 people lost their lives, on the security front “we reached unimaginable goals and in 2014 we requested and obtained Gen05 which is a protocol of assistance to the families of the victims”. Adele Scarani Pesapane, the president of the October 8 Committee, who lost her husband Maurizio in the plane crash, explains this to Adnkronos. In the clash between the small touring Cessna and a Scandinavian airliner, 114 passengers and crew members and four SEA employees, baggage handling staff, who were working inside the hangar where the plane ended up were killed its run and caught fire. “That day the rescue car was a disaster – no one knew what to tell us or how to respond – and that is why we focused on ‘family assistance’. We collaborate with airports, with ENAC and with other bodies that deal with assistance: from our painful experience a protocol is born to follow in similar cases so that no more pain is added to pain “concludes the president of the Committee on 8 October.