Burioni: “Nobel to Parisi, but not to virologist Heather”

“I specify for the most distracted that the Nobel Prize was awarded to Giorgio Parisi, physicist. Not to Heather Parisi, virologist”. Roberto Burioni, with a tweet, pays tribute to Professor Giorgio Parisi, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, and at the same time makes a dig for Heather Parisi. The former showgirl, former protagonist of social ‘comparisons’ for the virologist, is known for her no vax positions on the subject of covid. “We have won the Europeans and so on but this surpasses everything: an Italian, Giorgio Parisi, also won the Nobel Prize. What pride. What a 2021!”, Writes Burioni in another tweet. On his profile, the virologist from San Raffaele also comments on the data of a new study relating to the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine. “The effectiveness of the vaccine against the infection decreases over time (so immediately the third dose for the vulnerable and health care workers) but the protection against serious illness remains very high (so don’t worry and get vaccinated),” he says.