Environment, Italy Meritocracy: “Green and water resources, a perfect match”

“Preventing and reducing water pollution, promoting its sustainable use, protecting and improving the aquatic environment as well as mitigating the effects of floods and droughts does not represent for Italy only an obligation imposed by the directive on internal surface waters, transitional , coastal and underground or of Pnrr mission, but an urgent need of an environmental nature and the opportunity to develop new skills that have not yet existed “. This was stated by Meritocrazia Italia in a note. “The contribution of SMEs could be important – according to Meritocrazia Italia – also because it is certain that the investments necessary for companies to make themselves eco-sustainable are amply repaid by the medium-term benefits. water must take into consideration: the identification of environmental quality objectives and for the specific destination of the water bodies; the integrated protection of the qualitative and quantitative aspects within each river basin district; compliance with the limit values ​​for discharges set by the State; ‘adaptation of sewerage, connection and discharge systems; identification of measures for prevention and reduction “. “This – the note clarifies – would already allow, even before implementing the economic transition plans, to optimize the existing one”. Not only that, “the provision of real 100% tax deductions for all investments made in order to implement the transition could constitute a further element of green conversion (if the idea of ​​contributing to the protection of the environment was not enough). economic, as well as a further provision of access to bonuses for the gradual reduction of taxation, for companies that access different and envisaged standards of green economy. A company that does not pollute or that updates forms of community recovery (in the environment where they are located) finds sharing for the investment not only in workplaces, but also in a clean environment. environmental protection of its territory, must also find in its action the achievement of a subsidy “. “These prospects – explains Meritocrazia Italia – would find a greater understanding precisely in the dynamics of SMEs, as realities particularly burdened by the economic and pandemic situation and as an element representing the substratum of our economy. The hope is that the national directives (but even more the local institutions) know fully understands the importance of protecting water as the ‘blood of life’, as a not infinite resource, and even more willingly, with competence and concreteness, to implement all the actions that can support, help and facilitate green companies will want to think “.

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