A Romanian billionaire also died in a plane crash in Milan. The machine that crashed into the building was piloted by himself – REFRESHER

One of the richest Romanians, billionaire Dan Petrescu, was killed in a small plane crash that hit a building near Milan in northern Italy on Sunday. This was reported by AFP, referring to Italian media reports.

Petrescu single-engine aircraft PC-12 piloted himself. In addition to him, the other seven people on board died, including his wife and son.

The tragic accident took place in the southern suburbs of Milan, San Donato Milanese. A private plane with eight people on board crashed into a two-story office building, which was being renovated, so there were no people in it.

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The plane took off from Milan Linate Airport on Sunday afternoon and was headed for Sardinia, but after a few minutes of flight it crashed into a building. The cause of the accident was not immediately known. According to witnesses, the plane was already on fire before the crash into the building, so there were allegations that its engine had caught fire.

Source: TASR / AP

The whole event began to be investigated by the Italian Civil Aviation Authority, whose experts have already discovered the so-called black box.

Dan Petrescu was 68 years old, owned a large construction company and also owned a network of hypermarkets and shopping malls. In addition to Romanian, he also had German citizenship. His 65-year-old wife, who was also a French citizen, and their 30-year-old son Dan Stefano also died in the crash. There is one child among the victims of the tragedy.

Apart from the people on board, no other people were harmed. However, due to the crash of the machine, several cars ignited in the nearby parking lot, which were empty. The building itself, which crashed into the plane, also started to burn.

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