Elections 2021 Rome and Milan, turnout down: under 50%

Peak turnout in the 2021 municipal elections, with Rome and Milan under 50% of voters. In the capital, according to the final data of the Interior Ministry, 48.83% of the voters went to the polls against 57.03% in the previous municipal elections. In Milan, 47.69% of those entitled to vote voted against 54.65%. In Naples, 47.19% of the voters presented themselves to the polls against 54.12% in the previous consultations. Bologna exceeds 50%: at the polls 51.16% of the voters, with a clear decrease compared to 59.66% of the previous municipal elections. In Turin, according to data from the Interior Ministry, a decrease of about 9 points compared to the previous vote. 48.06% of voters went to the polls against 57.18%.

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