Third dose, Pregliasco: “I don’t think it will be necessary for everyone”

The third dose of the Covid vaccine? “I don’t think it will be necessary for everyone.” Thus the virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, Irccs Galeazzi health director of Milan, speaking to the microphones of the ‘Rotocalco 264’ broadcast on Cusano Italia Tv. revaccination. I imagine that it will not be necessary to revaccinate us all, but to do it with a vaccination program and strategy similar to that of the flu, therefore with annual booster needs for the most vulnerable and for those most exposed “. There is no zeroing of protection. vaccination after 6 months, there is a percentage reduction which, however, gives a residual response capacity. It is also necessary to reassure the people who take the serological test to evaluate the antibodies: this value must be considered only indicative because there is not only the concentration of anti-spike, but also the cellular response and in neutralizing antibodies that is not normally measured in the available tests, we do them only on samples of subjects and we see that even with low values ​​of antibody coverage there is still a response capacity We will therefore see if the third dose will be necessary for everyone, perhaps with an updated vaccine in case another variant should be introduced. to mrna they easily allow it to be updated ”. Speaking of a possible resurgence of the virus in winter, Pregliasco explains that” we shouldn’t worry, but worry, that is, get organized. This pandemic should be seen as the waves of a stone in a pond, the first heavier waves, then go to reduce, but we are still in an intermediate phase. In the near future we have the problem of the impending winter, we know what it means to have thermal changes, to stay indoors more “. she saw herself – she adds – There is a need to be ready, organize oneself from the point of view of protocols and not let one’s guard down because even today every interpersonal contact represents a potential risk of infection even if thanks to vaccines there is protection in terms of serious illness and this must make us feel more serene, but not too much. We still have to try to convince doubtful people to get vaccinated, who do not trust a vaccination which is the element that will make the difference. We already see it now that there is a vaccinated and an unvaccinated pandemic. Overrun this winter, then we will be able to evaluate more and more freedoms ”. As for the treatment, “there are several drugs that are giving excellent results. I believe that in addition to the vaccine there will be the possibility of giving another blow to the virus and living with it better and better, even by developing truly effective therapies “.” Unfortunately – added Pregliasco – some colleagues send the wrong message of the presence of treatments, today cures are attention, monitoring and the use of drugs such as cortisone, heparin and oxygen, but to be managed not with the heavy pen as some colleagues do from the first moments, but in a monitoring that is allowing to improve the prognosis and quality of life of patients “. Speaking of the increased risk of contracting covid in severe form for smokers, Pregliasco said that “risk factors are being sought to better profile patients. It cannot be said from a single study that this is true, but it can be accommodated. because smoking creates a continuous irritative effect on the respiratory tract and this facilitates infection “.

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