Nautica, published in Gu decree new nautical license examination

The decree 10 August 2021 “Adoption of examination programs for obtaining category A, B and C nautical licenses and methods of conducting tests” was published in the Official Gazette of 28 October 2021. The new exam presented at the Genoa Boat Show is finally renewed, welcoming the requests made by Confindustria Nautica. Simplification of the notional and mnemonic parts in favor of greater attention to safety and practical navigation of the objectives achieved. This was announced by Confindustria Nautica. “This is another piece of the modernization of our regulatory body that we have been carrying out relentlessly for the past four years and started with the revision of the Nautical Code”, declares Saverio Cecchi, the president of Confindustria Nautica. “Now we expect – and we ask Minister Giovannini – a rapid adoption of the Regulation implementing the Code that is able to accommodate the competitiveness needs of businesses, the Italian system and the need for simplification for users”. Several streamlining of the procedure, to the advantage of both the candidates and the Administration. Those who have obtained the eligibility for the written test, but have not passed – for the two times allowed – the practical test, can resume the practice alone within thirty days without restarting the path from the beginning, as was the case until today. Within the terms of validity of the application for examination, the candidate has the possibility to repeat only the written tests that may not be passed, or, in case he has not passed the correspondence (for the “unlimited” driving license), he can request to continue the examination aimed at obtaining the nautical license “within 12 miles”. The possibility remains, for those who do not pass the “Quiz Vela”, to continue the exam in order to obtain the equivalent motor license. It is possible to request the application of customized compensatory measures for the carrying out of the examination tests by disabled people and people with specific learning disabilities (Dsa). As far as the examination programs are concerned, the “nomenclature” of the unit is limited to the main parts of the hull, as well as the part relating to minor failures, which only affects those that may require a non-specialist intervention by the yachtsman. About the signals of the Colreg (Regulations for preventing collisions at sea), the main ones must be known “by heart”, including those of pleasure craft and ships smaller and larger than 50 meters, ships at anchor and fishing. Notions are introduced on the risks deriving from the conduction of the unit under the influence of alcohol or in a state of psycho-physical alteration and the use of electronic instruments for the positioning of the ship’s point is foreseen. With the same total number of questions, quizzes on “maneuvers and conduct”, the precautions to be taken at the entrance and exit of ports and when navigating near the coast and swimmers, those on speed limits and elements on the protection of the marine environment. Candidates who have completed at least 5 hours of maneuvers, certified by a nautical school, are admitted to the exam. The theory test consists of: “Basic” quiz, valid for all driving licenses, with 20 multiple choice questions, each consisting of three alternative answers, one of which is correct, and the test is passed if the candidate provides at least 16 answers exact. The Quiz on “correspondence elements”, consisting of five single-answer questions, for the license “within 12 miles”. The test is passed if the candidate provides at least 4 correct answers 5. It is replaced by the correspondence test for the driving license “beyond”. The “sailing” Quiz, with 5 single answer questions, passed with at least 4 correct answers.

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