Green pass work, Pregliasco: “In presence also in private? Better to wait”

For the return to work in person with the obligatory green pass “we go to next steps, absolutely in the private sector who can better maintain teleworking or smart working”. Virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, professor of the Milan State University in view of the return of the workers of the public administration scheduled for October 15, says to Adnkronos Salute. In the PA “it is a choice that we wanted to make out of a need for normality, in an epidemic condition – notes the expert – which is now all in all calm and therefore we accept this risk, ready however – he warns – to say ‘it is a risk and it is something that could be revised over time ‘”. Precisely for this reason, Pregliasco’s invitation is not to accelerate all together: “Let’s see how the season continues and – he reiterates – let’s go to the next steps”. shortening its duration, “means increasing the level of risk. It can be done, it is an element to be evaluated, but not immediately. “” There is a desire that is to reopen – notes the expert – an objective drive to want to do more and better. I say let’s do it, but with progression “. Limiting quarantine at school” makes sense – recognizes Pregliasco – also to give value to the vaccinated, to highlight this advantage, but still the vaccinated cannot take advantage of this freedom – he warns – due to an excessive share of unvaccinated in general. We are almost there, but we are waiting “.” We are still a little behind – explains the virologist – with respect to a data on the circulation of the virus. We are now in a downward phase, thankfully, but – remember – there could be a backlash. Let’s wait a little longer. Let’s evaluate it, and it is then a political decision with respect to the residual risk that increases “.

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