He recommended a cure for parasites. Youtube deleted Bukovsky’s channel, through which he spread hoaxes and half-truths – HNonline.sk

Source: Facebook / Dr. Igor Bukovský

The controversial dietitian downplayed the severity of covid-19 and spread lies or half-truths.

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A wave of popularity

The popularity of its canceled channel increased especially during the pandemic. In it, a nutritionist often criticized government measures and presented his own views. Although Igor Bukovský is a trained physician, he does not actively practice medicine and has not even completed any attestation. Nevertheless, he did not hesitate to comment on the mandatory wearing of drapes, promoted the animal antiparasitic drug ivermectin and advised people to eat nuts. The team also earned criticism from its own ranks, but among the conspirators, its star was rising.

Dangerous hoaxes

Bukovský has expanded on the Slovak Internet fámuthat 83% of pregnant women miscarry in the first trimester after receiving a coronavirus vaccine. He later apologized for spreading the hoax, but did not download the video in which he disseminated misleading information from his channel.

He became infamous as well false statementthat covid-19 is a trivial disease, and talking about the disease as a dangerous and deadly epidemic is a common nuisance.

He also presented in his videos delusions that wearing a veil does not prevent the spread of the virus. Of course, the type and hygiene of the veil depends, but it has been proven that wearing it slows down the spread of covid. For example, the World Health Organization or the Institute for Health Measurement and Evaluation agree.

He also outraged the public by claiming that by providing information about the covide on his channel free of charge, he was actually at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic.


Source: TASR Archive

Repeated attacks

Igor Bukovský repeatedly attacked media and journalists, which he described in his video as annoying insects and propagandists who “release an unbearable odor and pungent liquid into their surroundings.”

Youtube his channel, on which he has over 150,000 subscribers, was canceled yesterday. His other channel, Dr., remained in reserve. Igor Bukovský: Life and the World. But it does not reach the popularity of the original channel. If it continues to spread dangerous delusions, it may lose its backup channel.

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