“We don’t say that to a colleague”: insulted live by Eric Zemmour, Ruth Elkrief gets annoyed – Closer France

Ruth Elkrief spoke to Eric Zemmour in the Ruth Elkrief 2022 program on LCI, Monday, September 27. The journalist reproached the polemicist for his words to his “colleague”.

Muscular exchange between Ruth elkrief and Eric Zemmour. The polemicist was the guest of Ruth Elkrief 2022 on LCI, Monday, September 27. After discussing the assault suffered Emmanuel Macron during the International Catering and Hospitality Fair in Lyon, Marine Le Pen’s program for the 2022 presidential election, Eric Zemmour got carried away when discussing the Neuwirth law of 1967. Ruth erlkrief asked him what he thought of the law that allowed access to contraception on medical prescription. The legalization of the pill, under General de Gaulle.

“Because General De Gaulle, who lays down the Neuwirth law, you criticize him”, started by launching Ruth elkrief. “No, but who do you take me for?, threw Eric Zemmour. You really take me for a man of the Middle Ages. But you are crazy! ” Words that deeply displeased Ruth elkrief. She wanted to reframe Eric Zemmour : “You can’t say ‘You’re crazy’ to a working journalist sister. We don’t say: ‘You are crazy’. ” Then the reporter Francois Lenglet, a specialist in economics, came to the stage to ask questions of Eric zemmour.

A debate with Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Thursday 23 September 2021, Eric Zemmour and Jean-Luc Mélenchon met during a debate broadcast and organized on LCI’s competitor channel, BFM TV. The debate between the two men centered around two main questions: “Is France in danger?” and “How to reduce the social divide?”. A debate that aroused the curiosity of many viewers: in all, nearly 3.8 million viewers watched part or all of the debate.

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