France to sell three frigates to Greece

Consolation prize for France? Paris and Athens have just announced, Tuesday, September 28, the signing by the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, of a military contract for the order by Greece of three frigates.

This announcement is made after the cancellation of a huge contract for submarines at 55 billion euros by Australia, which preferred to choose a strategic partnership with the United States and the United Kingdom.

The acquisition by Greece of three frigates Belharra which will be built in France, in Lorient, for several billion euros, is a “Testimony of confidence and demonstration of the quality of the French offer”, Emmanuel Macron said at the Elysee Palace after the signing. Mr. Mitsotakis clarified that the contract also covered an option for an additional frigate, specifying that this agreement met “For the needs of the Greek navy”.

[L’accord signé mardi] helps protect the security, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of our two states, while promoting security, stability and prosperity in regions of common interest, said Emmanuel Macron. It is perfectly coherent and in full compliance with our commitments to the EU [Union européenne] and NATO [l’Organisation du traité de l’Atlantique Nord], by strengthening its effectiveness for the protection of our territories and by allowing us to act more effectively and in a more coordinated manner together for peace and security in the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans ”, he added.

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Counteract Turkey’s Actions in the Eastern Mediterranean

Greece’s booming arms program aims to counter Turkey’s actions in the eastern Mediterranean, against which France is one of the few EU countries to have publicly protested in recent months.

Mr. Macron also underlined that this strengthened partnership represents a “First daring step towards European strategic autonomy”, a theme he is trying to address in the face of the evolution of American foreign policy, which refocuses its strategic priorities on China.

Athens launched a call for tenders for four frigates and the renovation of its frigates last year. Hydra. The French company Naval Group had participated and was opposed to the German TKMS, the Dutch Damen, the Italian Fincantieri and the American Lockheed Martin.

Earlier this month, Mitsotakis had already announced, against all odds, the purchase of six French Rafale fighters, in addition to a previous contract amounting to 2.5 billion euros and signed in January, for twelve of these used military aircraft and six new ones.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also Faced with Turkey, Greece multiplies military alliances

The World with AFP

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