Analysts tame panic: Spirals of haunting, the accumulation of corpses and tens of thousands of victims? It won’t be like this! – Topky

The Data without Pathos platform also largely predicted what the second wave would look like in our country, they were right in many things. At present, however, their opinions and predictions differ from others – for example, what the mathematician Richard Kollár or other experts say. For their opinions on how the autumn delta wave will go in our country, they collected a shower of criticism. As they explained, they based their data on how the delta variants of England survived – that is, how many infected people had and how many people were victims of the delta. They looked at what it would look like in our country if we lived as freely as in England.

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Exactly according to the actual numbers in our groups vaccinated and non-vaccinated by age. In weeks 34-37, they had peak deaths in the month and they know exactly how many and in what age category and whether the vaccinated or unvaccinated died. If we also assume that in Slovakia there will be such a peak in deaths for 5 months (which is unrealistic in itself, because the curve will have an onset, peak and decline), then we are at 2621 deaths, but rather we will only get to 2000 for the whole wave, ” analysts explained. As they added, for this reason, I do not understand why some professional authorities scare people with double the victims of the second wave, or that there will be up to 10,000 victims. Nor do they understand this, according to them, because in no country that has already survived the delta wave, it has had 2,000 victims per million inhabitants.

Source: Getty Images

Crazy numbers!

We do not understand the claims, because we see the development of similarly vaccinated countries: Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania and they are at 50-150 victims per 1 million inhabitants. These are countries that are not at the beginning of DELTA, but 3-4-6 weeks ahead of us. Talking about 13-40 times is crazy, “ analysts warned. They pointed out that the delta wave in our country started much later than in some countries, and thus we also have a higher vaccination rate than if the wave started in our country at the same time as in the given countries. They also do not understand the words of members of the Council of Epidemiologists who claim that the potential for vaccination has been exhausted.

Analysts tame panic: Spirals

Source: Getty Images

In the last 3 weeks we have vaccinated 12 thousand, 13 and a half thousand and in the last week it will be 15-16 thousand people and the interest in vaccination is growing slightly. We do not understand that commenters do not see that vaccinated today 15 thousand a week out of 2.5 mil. unvaccinated over the age of 10 is different from vaccinating 15,000 a week once, when twice as many have been unvaccinated. It’s just the group we’re going to get smaller in, and that’s 15,000 mega success, especially when it’s not just teenagers. “ they pointed out from the project, who also responded to the comments on their last prediction of death, where the mathematician Richard Kollár stated that he was ending and would not comment on their statuses. According to them, I do not understand why they should not discuss with him, because they represent graphs, tables, calculations and then go through the media with them.

Analysts tame panic: Spirals

Source: Data without pathos

It won’t be like this!

No: we are not catastrophic, nihilistic and pandemic in the true sense of the word. We are convinced that the course in districts with 25% of unvaccinated seniors (Bratislava Region) and in districts with 50% of unvaccinated seniors will be diametrically different. Somewhere worse, but somewhere significantly better, ” they wrote that they believed that many children would become infected, but very few of them caught the tests because many did not confess or test, or many did not recognize the coronavirus from the volcano. And if the symptoms show, they just leave the child at home. However, it may happen that many people arrive late for the infection and do not pay attention to it.

Analysts tame panic: Spirals

Source: Getty Images

Fortunately, it is rare for a child with a confirmed coronavirus to be admitted to hospital. According to them, children represent only about two percent of hospitalizations.If 10,000 people were to die, more than 100,000 would have to go to hospitals as patients with a mortality rate of 10% of those hospitalized. Of these, 80,000 unvaccinated patients (1: 4 ratio). 3/4 of them will be people over the age of 60. That is from 450 thousand unvaccinated people over 60 13% “to the hospital”. V II. wave of them went to the hospital mentioned 37 thousand out of 1.3 million over the age of 60. That was 3%. How should it be 13% now? Where did the “1” in front of the three come from? they ask. According to them, we have gotten into a spiral of haunting, the accumulation of corpses due to a storm called delta, which will survive Slovakia and bring more than 4,000 patients to hospitals and flood our health care system during rush hour. According to them, at the end of the week we will have 45 percent of people vaccinated with I. With a dose of 43 percent of fully vaccinated Slovaks.

We lack the courage to tell the good news, we lack the debate on the successes we achieve despite a divided society, and we may also lack hope and faith. We can do it. Everyone will encounter a delta – yes, we can imagine the latter. As they encounter other respiratory viruses. We are gradually getting used to them, we are gradually learning to live with covide, it is a plague, it has weakened our society, but many have gained protection by overcoming the infection, thanks to vaccinations, and many will go through it in the Delta. We see a light at the end of the tunnel and it has a date of 2021, “ concluded.

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