German elections, SPD wins with 25.7%

The SPD won the 2021 elections in Germany. Once all the votes have been counted, the Social Democratic Party wins, by a small margin, ahead of the CDU / CSU bloc. According to the results of the federal electoral office, the Social Democrats won 25.7% of the votes, the best result in years, while the Union stops at 24.1%, at an all-time low, at the end of the Merkel era. The Greens come out of the vote with a historic 14.8% of the votes, ahead of the Fdp, at 11.5%. The Afd collects 10.3% of preferences, Linke stops at 4.9%. Read also The polling stations in Germany opened yesterday morning at 8 and closed at 18: around 60.4 million Germans were called to the polls to renew the Bundestag through two votes: one – with a single-member method for the election of 299 parliamentarians, the other – according to a proportional system with a barrier threshold – to choose a political party among the 47 lists in the running, few of which are destined to exceed the 5% threshold necessary to enter parliament. the end of the ‘Merkel era’, the chancellor leading governments in Berlin for the past 16 years, had been preceded by months of fluctuating polls In Berlin Franziska Geffey leads SPD to victory In Berlin the SPD Social Democrats won the elections renewal of the local parliament. The SPD and candidate Franziska Giffey obtained 21.4% of the votes, as announced by the electoral commission at the end of the counting of the votes. At the Verdi by Bettina Jarasch, 18.9% of the votes, while the CDU stops at 18.1%. Followed by Linke, with 14% of the votes, the Afd with 8% and the Fdp with 7.1%.

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