Nuclear, Arera: “Italy can no longer afford to accumulate delays on decommissioning”

“Italy can no longer afford to accumulate delays”: “the decommissioning and identification of the site for the construction of a national repository of radioactive waste (which has finally started in recent months after years of delays and hesitations) cannot wait”. This was stated by the president of the Arera, Stefano Besseghini in the course of his annual report to the Chamber on the state of services and on the activity carried out by the Authority. “Wasting time – he underlines – would mean loading future generations with unacceptable economic and environmental costs. The Authority, thanks also to the support of the Special Goods and Services Unit of the Guardia di Finanza, is committed to monitoring costs and the new regulation provides for the activation of safeguard mechanisms to protect end customers to prevent any new delays from having an effect on the bill “.

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