Threats to Toti, reported no vax: he wrote “I gut you”

“I gut you!”, “If I catch you I’ll give you so many blows …”, “How many blows I would give you …”. This was the tenor of the threats addressed to the governor of Liguria Giovanni Toti by a 36-year-old no vax. To trace the identity of the man, a Turin already known to the police, were the policemen of Genoa with the Web Haters operation. For over a month, every day, the no-vax expert in martial arts and with the hobby of singing, has dedicated himself to threatening, always anonymously, the president Toti on his social accounts. The social accounts and devices used by the 36-year-old denounced to intimidate the governor were seized from the man’s apartment. The investigation of the agents of the Postal Police of Genoa and Turin began with a complaint by the President’s staff that he presented to the Postal and Communications Police of Liguria.

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