The energy to restart? In E-Distribuzione it’s the people

The best energy for the restart? People, especially young people. Those on which E-Distribuzione, the largest company in Italy in the electricity distribution and metering sector serving over 31.5 million customers connected to its networks, aims to fully embrace the challenge of the country’s recovery, after and despite the health emergency. Because also in 2020, in order to guarantee a service of primary importance for everyone, E-Distribuzione hired 335 new collaborators, most of them operational and distributed throughout the national territory. Lombardy, Puglia, Sicily, Campania, Tuscany and Veneto were the regions that welcomed most of the new hires. Then, in the first part of 2021, they were joined by another 250 colleagues, which will become 400 by the end of the year. We know from the latest Istat survey carried out on data from July 2021 and announced in September, that the youth unemployment rate in Italy, despite being down (-1.6% compared to June 2021), remains high: 27, 7%. For this reason it assumes even more value that a company present throughout the national territory chooses to focus on young people at 360 degrees, also providing for training steps. In fact, Federico Panone, Head of Human Resources and Organization of E-Distribution explains: “We also want to think about students, giving them the opportunity to acquire specialized skills directly in the company that can prepare them to face the job market. For this reason, we are participating in the ‘Higher Education and Research Apprenticeship’ program with the University of Rome 3 starting from the 2021/2022 academic year ”. In the program, 7 third-year students of the three-year degree course in electronic engineering will alternate lessons and study with technical-professional training together with real E-Distribution tutors. “The goal – adds Panone – is to create a path of excellence for young undergraduates, to increase knowledge and establish a privileged access route into the world of work. The boys and girls will alternate classroom learning (with additional teaching of complements of measurements and electrical machines, electrical distribution systems, safety of electrical systems) with work experience, ‘on the job’, which will be supported and encouraged for each ‘student-apprentice’ by a company tutor and a university tutor. The apprenticeship will end with the achievement of the three-year degree diploma in electronic engineering within the duration of the course of study “. A unique opportunity to study and acquire at the same time professional skills, immediately usable on the job market. E-Distribuzione also thinks about professional growth with the ‘Cross-Mentoring Program: Next Generation Female Leaders’, a path dedicated to the development of female leadership in the company. A mentor (senior manager) accompanies a ‘mentee’ (aspiring manager) for 10 months on a path of professional affirmation and empowerment through individual meetings and collective events. In short, “Different and differentiated paths for young people, women and new hires: so the energy of E-Distribuzione focuses on the U factor: Human, Unique, United”, concludes Panone.

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