Spezia-Juve 2-3, first victory for Allegri

First victory in the league for Juventus who at the Peak managed to beat an excellent Spezia 3-2 in a comeback after a complicated match. The bianconeri, in search of the 3 points in Liguria, start strong and at 27 ‘they unblock it with Kean, 5 minutes later the equal of Thiago Motta’s team arrives with the Ghanaian Gyasi. In the second half on the counterattack, minute 49, the home team hits with Antiste. Juve does not break down and finds the same with Chiesa in the 66th minute. To complete the work we think De Ligt who on the developments of a corner scores the match goal in the 72nd minute. In the standings the bianconeri go up to 5 points, while Spezia stops at 4. At 2 ‘the first opportunity is for the Ligurians, on a cross from the right, Bonucci does not intercept the ball that arrives in the availability of Gyasi who does not find the impact with the ball. Juve lights up, Chiesa goes to the bottom and puts it in the center for Kean, the ball deflected for a corner. At 14 ‘on the development of a corner Bonucci makes the bank and De Ligt right from the center of the area shoots high. overtakes Zoet with a diagonal. Spezia reacts, Verdi tries from the edge, Szczesny flies to deflect for a corner. It is the prelude to the goal that arrives in the 33rd minute, Gyasi returns to the right from the edge and full neck, with a deviation, overtakes Szczesny with a shot aimed at the intersection. At 40 ‘Dybala gets a free kick from the edge, the shot ends up in the arms of the goalkeeper. The Argentine tries shortly after from outside, Zoet raises a shot intended for a goal over the crossbar. The bianconeri’s last chance always on a free kick, Dybala’s shot is easy prey for the goalkeeper.

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