Smokers reach deeper into their pockets: The price increase will not go unchecked and electronic cigarettes, here’s why! –

According to the European Commission, the main reason for the increase in excise duties on tobacco products is the fact that smoking is one of the main risk factors for cancer deaths. According to statistics, up to 700,000 people die each year as a result of smoking. The increase in excise duties would not only apply to smoke cigarettes, but also to smokeless ones, the so-called alternative cigarettes. With this step, the European Commission wants to make cigarettes less accessible to young people. In the Cancer Plan, members of the commission set a target for only 5 percent of Europeans to smoke by 2030.

Source: Getty Images

However, it is not yet known how much excise duties on tobacco products should be increased. Thus, it is not known how much more a box of cigarettes will be compared to the current year. At the same time, since the beginning of the year, one box has risen in price by an average of 40 cents. However, it is clear that the news will also affect Slovak consumers. However, the European Commission wants to touch on another area – and that is cigarette flavors. And for all cigarettes and nicotine products. This ban, which currently only applies to conventional cigarettes, should now also affect alternative forms of tobacco products, such as smokeless and electronic cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes are not


However, in addition to conventional cigarettes, people also make extensive use of alternative forms of smoking, such as electronic or smokeless cigarettes. However, the news should also touch on this area, along with nicotine patches and chewing gum. According to the commission, nicotine is a toxic substance and there is no amount that can be called safe when consumed.

At present, according to the portal taxfoundation the highest excise duty in Europe in Ireland, namely 8.42 euros. This is followed by the French, who pay 6.61 euros in tax, but they are also the largest consumers of smuggled cigarettes (23.1 percent). The European Union average is € 3.34. Bulhari (€ 1.81) and Poland (€ 2.08) pay the least.

Smokers reach deeper


However, the European Commission encounters a problem with the proposal, even from its own ranks. Some members of the special committee to fight cancer, the so-called However, the BECA does not agree that the tax rate should be the same for all. On the contrary, they want alternative forms of smoking that are less harmful to be subject to less excise duties. They are based on the experience of Japan or Great Britain. Namely, it is scientifically proven that smoking is the most dangerous part of smoking. And if some alternative forms of this process are avoided, they should also have lower excise duties, as they pose a much lower risk to human health. However, it is not yet known how this will turn out. Smokers are expected to learn the final verdict in early December this year.

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