United States: country shaken by images of border guards on horseback repelling migrants – Franceinfo


Video length: 2 min.

Article written by

AC. Dagger, B. Laigle, Y. Kadouch – France 2

France Televisions

In the United States, border guards on horseback chased migrants to Texas, on the border with Mexico. The migrants are Haitians who have been camping by the thousands for several days. The White House ordered an investigation.

Face-to-face violence has shaken America. Like cowboys trying to subdue a herd, mounted American border guards chased candidates for exile on the border between Mexico and the United States. Reins have even been used as lassos. On the banks of the Rio Grande, migrants, mainly from Haiti, flock by the hundreds.

Once at United States, they gather under a bridge, in the hope of obtaining a residence permit. Washington allows, for its part, to accelerate the expulsions. Questioned Tuesday, September 21 on the behavior of border guards, President Joe Biden replied: “We will take back control.” The White House has announced the opening of an investigation, but in the Democratic camp, criticism is raining. For Republicans, Joe Biden is reaping the benefits of a migration policy they consider lax.

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