Covid, Galli: “There are no drugs to solve the problem”

Professor Massmo Galli does not want to hear “about drugs that solve the problem very well” covid. “It is a disease largely orphan of the drugs necessary for the definitive resolution of the issue. There is nothing comparable to an antibiotic that in a week ago recover from pneumonia, there is nothing like it”, says the head of diseases. infectious diseases of the Sack of Milan in Cartabianca. “There are some pharmacological possibilities that do what they can, reduce lethality and the number of days in hospital for the most serious cases. The robust majority of infections are obviously asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic, a minority of people go to the hospital”, adds. How long does the vaccine last? “Up to 6 months the vaccine protects against serious disease. We need to clarify what strategies will be related to possible revaccination”. Galli was vaccinated less than a year ago, but as a doctor he was among the first categories to receive the vaccine: “I still have the antibodies but I measure them, I find a way to do it. They have dropped moderately”. retired: “At 70, a university professor retires. My brain will not retire. Someone fears, perhaps not wrongly, that retirement will make me even more free to say what I think I have to say, without details constraints “.