Biden to the UN: “Enough wars, a new era is opening”

The United States will look forward instead of “continuing to fight the wars of the past”. This is what Joe Biden, president of the United States, said in today’s speech to the UN, anticipating the contents of tomorrow’s summit. Talk about a world at “a turning point in history”. “Instead of continuing to fight the wars of the past, we are focusing on dedicating our resources to the challenges that hold the keys to our collective future. Ending this pandemic, addressing the climate crisis, managing changes in the dynamics of global power,” shaping the world’s rules on vital issues such as trade, information and emerging technologies and addressing the threat of terrorism as it stands today, “Biden said. “We have ended 20 years of conflict in Afghanistan and, as we close this relentless period of war, we are opening a new era of endless diplomacy, in which we will use the power of our development aid to invest to find new ways of to uplift people around the world, to renew and defend democracy, to demonstrate that no matter how challenging or complex the problems we face, government by and for the people is still the best way to give to all our peoples “.” We are not looking for a new Cold War or a world divided into regional blocs, “he adds. “We will pursue new rules for international trade and economic growth. We want to create a level playing field so that no one is artificially placed in a better position at the expense of others,” continued the president. “From my point of view, all the major powers have a duty to carefully manage their relations so that we do not move from responsible competition to conflict”, he later stressed. COVID The United States is committed to supporting the global fight against Covid , sending “doses of hope” and “unconditional” vaccine to countries that need it. In the meantime, Joe Biden points out, we must “move forward in the fight against Covid and hold ourselves accountable for three key principles: saving lives now, vaccinating the world and rebuilding better”. In his speech Biden stressed that “many of the main challenges cannot be faced with the force of arms, bombs and bullets cannot defend us from Covid and its future variants “. “To fight the pandemic, we need a collective act of science and political will – he added – we need immunizations as soon as possible and to increase access to oxygen, tests and treatments to save lives in the world”. , Biden has repeatedly insisted on the need to improve emergency response capacity because “surely there will be another pandemic.” CLIMATE All countries must bring their highest ambitions to the Glasgow table, “Biden said, referring to the need for the next COP26 climate summit will come with ambitious plans to respond to a situation of climate change that the US president described as already “code red”. Citing “the devastation and death” already caused by extreme climatic events around the world , Biden stressed that we are approaching the “tipping point” in the climate crisis. The goal, he stresses, is to mobilize $ 100 billion in support of a tions in developing countries.

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