Covid-19 killed more than Spanish flu in US – The HuffPost

via Associated Press

The Covid has now killed more Americans than the Spanish flu (photo illustration)

CORONAVIRUS – Covid-19 has now killed more Americans than the spanish flu in 1918-19, according to data published this Monday, September 20 by Johns Hopkins University, which is the reference in the matter.

More than 675,700 people infected with the new coronavirus died in the USA, according to the last report of the institute Monday at the end of the afternoon.

However, according to historians and the Centers for the Prevention and Control of Diseases, the main health agency for United States, the Spanish flu has killed at least 50 million people worldwide, including 675,000 in the United States.

The Spanish flu, at least in absolute terms, therefore lost its title on Monday as the most serious pandemic in the country’s recent history. Proportionally, the impact is less important the American population having tripled in the meantime.

Unlike the Covid-19, this pandemic had been particularly deadly in age groups believed to be in good health, including those under 5 and people aged 20 to 40.

See also on The HuffPost: In Madrid, a party brings together 25,000 students despite the ban linked to the Covid

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