Deliveroo sent back to correctional for undeclared work: “There are thousands of delivery men concerned”, aff – franceinfo

Three former leaders of the meal delivery platform are being prosecuted by the French courts.

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“We already have a large number of clients who have asked us to become a civil party”, announces Kevin Mention. The lawyer in labor law, who has already had Deliveroo condemned in February 2020 by the Paris Labor Council, confirms to franceinfo Monday, September 20 the referral to the Paris Criminal Court of the meal delivery platform and three of its former managers for “hidden work”. “This is a first in France and there are thousands of delivery people involved”, according to Master Mention who wants to prevent “all the couriers who sometimes still work for them”.

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After winning proceedings “individual” before the Prud’hommes, the lawyer is pleased to be able to have this time “access to the criminal file” and “to the investigations of the labor inspectorate and the office for the fight against illegal work”. “We will have many more elements to bring to the judge. It serves us to obtain recognition of the employment contract and to demonstrate to the judge that there has been an offense which allows the application of the concealed work allowance. C ‘is a fairly heavy indemnity since it is lump sum with six months’ salary for a contract which would have been broken. “

“A strong signal for all those who abuse labor rights.”

Lawyer Kevin Mention

to franceinfo

This judicial announcement can serve as a warning, hopes the specialist in labor law. “Today, we see self-employed Monoprix cashiers. It is not possible! It is a signal sent to Deliveroo but also to all the other companies which uberize entire sections of labor law.”

Maître Kévin Mention explains that the offense of concealed work for which Deliveroo is being prosecuted today “does not stop at a specific date”. “They still have purely fictitious contracts signed today in relation to the reality of the field of a courier who receives orders from the application, with control, and is not at all independent in his work.”

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