RC Lens, LOSC: the two clubs react to the sanctions … but not in the same way! – Goal! Football club

Zapping Goal! Football club RC Lens: the top 10 most used players by Franck Haise

After the invasion of the field by Lensois supporters, Saturday in Bollaert, the decisions of the LFP against RC Lens and LOSC were expected. They just fell. While the case has been placed under investigation, the League has decided to impose penalties on a precautionary basis and the Bollaert stadium will be in complete camera for the matches against RC Strasbourg on Wednesday and Reims on October 1. The final decisions will be known on Wednesday October 6. On the LOSC side, the visitor parking lot for away matches will be closed as a precaution. The trip to Strasbourg this weekend is concerned.

LOSC makes amends …

“The LOSC has always been firmly and unambiguously committed to fighting all forms of violence that affect football and damage its supporters, its clubs, and its image, reacted the Mastiffs. The LOSC is of course at the entire disposal of the LFP and the authorities during the investigation, and is now examining the appropriate legal follow-up to be given to these serious events with a view to ensuring, in particular, the protection and defending the interests of LOSC, its supporters and its community ”.

… and RC Lens evokes “drastic” measures

“The Racing Club de Lens takes note of the drastic measures taken during the disciplinary committee organized today, namely the total closed door of the Bollaert-Delelis stadium as a precaution until the delivery of the final decision, have meanwhile The Blood and Gold reacted. Racing takes the full measure of this decision and notes that beyond the fervor of its den, central component of its identity, it is thereby cut off from significant economic resources linked to the absence of supporters and partners for the next two meetings. The Racing Club de Lens will meet on Wednesday the representatives of the groups of supporters concerned by the current identification procedures. The club will present them with the appropriate sanctions retained for each type of reprehensible behavior and in particular for those who overstepped their role on Saturday, by attempting to take the place of the authorities to restore order following the scenes of chaos observed in the visitor parking lot. The club finally specifies that it will obviously file a complaint against the opposing supporters who have made unspeakable gestures and behavior. “

to summarize

After the invasion of the field by Lensois supporters, Saturday in Bollaert, the decisions of the LFP against RC Lens and LOSC fell. And RC Lens seems to be more annoyed with sanctions than LOSC …

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