AZF. Wrongly accused of being the author of the explosion, will his name be given to a street in Toulouse? –

20 years after the explosion, the opposition proposes that a street in Toulouse bears the name of Hassan Jandoubi, worker victim and “wrongly accused of being the author” of the disaster (© DR)

As ceremonies, exhibitions and other tributes multiply in Toulouse, for the 20 years of the AZF explosion, Tuesday, September 21, 2021, the elected representatives of the opposition group Archipel Citoyen join the “memorial perspective” of the biggest French industrial disaster in modern history, which left 31 dead and more than 20,000 injured.

Hassan Jandoubi “saw his memory sullied”

Considering that the charges which have long weighed against him were “a double sentence for his family”, the opposition proposes that a rue de la Ville rose bears the name of one of the victims: that ofHassan Jandoubi, “Wrongly accused of being the author”, if not the instigator, of the catastrophe.

“From this memorial perspective, we will suggest that a Toulouse street bears the name of one of the victims, that of Hassan Jandoubi, worker victim of the explosion, wrongly accused of being the author of the explosion due to of his origins and his presupposed religion. A double sentence for his family who in addition to the loss of a loved one has seen his memory sullied “.

The elected representatives of Archipel Citoyen

“Suspected and unjustly accused”

“Looking at the history of AZF, there are many other people that we could highlight”, observes Francois Piquemal, elected (Citizen Archipelago) in Toulouse. “But that of Hassan Jandoubi does not leave you indifferent. He found himself suspected and unfairly accused by some of the stakeholders, including Total’s lawyers, to be at the origin of the explosion… His name has been sullied forever ”.

The Lane Naming Commission meets on Tuesday

If the man, aged 35 at the time of the events, died in the explosion, paying homage to him by inscribing his name on an artery in the Pink City would be “perhaps, for his relatives, a means of honor his memory, ”emphasizes François Piquemal. The chosen one is with Helene magdo (LFI), one of the two opposition members to sit on the public road naming commission, whose the next meeting is held – coincidence of schedule – this Tuesday September 21 afternoon. They will propose four names: those of illustrious women, and that of this man, victim of the explosion.

Who was Hassan Jandoubi?

Hassan Jandoubi had been hired to unload ammonium nitrate at the AZF plant by a subcontractor, five days before the explosion. On D-day, he was working in hangar 10, about 30 meters from hangar 221, where the stock of 200 to 300 tonnes of ammonium nitrate exploded.

Born in Toulouse in 1966 to Tunisian parents, he died on September 21, 2001, in the explosion of the AZF chemical plant. He was subsequently investigated by counterterrorism authorities as a suspect, the explosion having occurred ten days after the September 11 attacks in New York. What if the investigation ultimately determined that the disaster was accidental and unintentional, eyes were quickly turned to Hassan Jandoubi, which was then the subject of a controversial General Intelligence file. Gray areas and other rumors about the journey of this very thin man, who was wearing several layers of clothing at the time of the drama, had been the genesis of various hypotheses and other conspiracy theories.

His name had still been brought back to the forefront during the appeal trial in 2011, by the industrialist Total as well as by the former anti-terrorism judge Jean-Louis Bruguière.

But in Toulouse, there are many who, such Frédéric Arrou, victim of the explosion, intend to wash the honor of Hassan Jandoubi: the former president of the association of the victims of September 21 has also dedicated the testimony book that he has just released this worker who had quickly endorsed the costume of the ideal terrorist.

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