Deputies of the Direction file a criminal complaint against Judge Záleská –

Fico suspects her of bending the law.

20. Sep 2021 at 18:52 TASR

BRATISLAVA. Deputies of the opposition Smer file a criminal complaint against the judge of the Specialized Criminal Court, Pamela Záleská, who delivered on Monday judgment in the case of a former special prosecutor Dušan Kováčik.

This was announced by the chairman of Smer Robert Fico provided that the criminal report is related to a suspicion of the crime of bending the law.

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Fico stated that from the very beginning it was a typical political process, comparable to the processes of the 1950s.

“This trial, led by Judge Záleska, was even worse,” he said. The judge sentenced Kováčik to a 14-year sentence, according to the head of Smer, on the basis of “practically nothing”. Fico called the former special prosecutor an innocent man.

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“It is unbelievable how arbitrarily the judge decided. She still refused to take evidence in favor of Dušan Kováčik,” she claims. According to him, Záleská acted arbitrarily from the very beginning to the end.

According to him, he also developed a friendly relationship between the judge and the journalist Monika Tódová. As he pointed out, she wrote articles against Kováčik.

“What objectivity can we talk about in this context,” he said. Fico, who came to hear the verdict directly in court in Pezinok, accused the journalists and “congratulated” them for “dirty work”.

The non-parliamentary party Hlas also commented on the verdict. In its opinion, it stated that it respects the decisions of the courts, but at the same time perceives that the judgment is not final. “That is why we will wait for the final verdict,” Patrícia Medveď Macíková, a spokeswoman for the Voice, told TASR.

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Former special prosecutor Dušan Kováčik was sentenced to a 14-year prison sentence on Monday by ŠTS in Pezinok. He also sentenced him to forfeiture of property. According to the court, he is guilty of all four counts.

He was to help a criminal group of such people, take a bribe, as well as take information about ongoing criminal proceedings from a special prosecutor’s office. The judgment is not final.

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