Horkýže Slíže have a new album and dominated Youtube trends with a crazy single with DMS – Hudba.sk

3 hours ago Patrik Marflák

Alibaba and 40 short songs 2 is the name of a new album that Horkýže Slíže released unannounced last week. Just a few hours before its release, a video for the song Rampa was released, which divided the fans into two camps. Nitra rockers collaborated with rappers from DMS, Separ and Dam on a viral hit full of vulgarisms.

A few hours after publication Ramp jumped to the top of the Slovak ranking of “trending” videos on Youtube. No wonder, apart from the fact that it is a collaboration of one of the most popular Slovak bands with one of the most prominent formations of domestic hip-hop, the song is brutally catchy and its, sorry, the totally captivated text is full of jokes and finally links to older hits. Horkyze Slize.

Not everyone liked this connection, but positive reactions prevail in the comments. Even those who don’t rap in love must admit that Separov rocket flow and voice in conjunction with hard guitars works great. The unexpected collaboration is visually complemented by a Southpark-style clip, so more than 600,000 views a week cannot come as a surprise.

For several days, Slíže had two videos at the top of the Youtube charts, as the album itself, from which the controversial single comes, was in second place. Alibaba and 40 short songs 2 follows on from the 2003 album, from which hits such as Adam Shanghai, A bunch of blunt heads or Little Žužu.

The novelty is an equally crazy multi-genre ride full of politically incorrect humor, absurd lyrics and “scenes”. Apart from harder guitar compositions, often reaching as far as metal genres, there are also typically Slíž’s acoustic or romantic flights (Tribula, Artist, Earwax, In the light of the moon, Kumšt, Mercury, Hendrix…), spoken skits, or even funky (Keyboard).

The song is one of the best pieces right at the beginning of the album Tasting, which has the potential to become a great concert hit. The short song is also successful Tandem Pilot with sound a la Limp Bizkit or the following You’re done with a fictional text about the expulsion of band members full of real names from the Slovak and Czech music scene. They stand out among the songs with a longer minute 11:10 pm, You know I behave the way I do and a great genre flight in the song Major Zeman.

Thanks to the album, we also learned that even in 2021 you can still make fun of speech defects (Web page, Attitudes, At Orava Castle) and maybe someone will laugh at it. However, most of the songs will definitely not disappoint rock fans. Horkýže Slíže are defending their status as a band that can afford almost anything in music and lyrics.

Author: Patrik Marflák
Photo: group archive

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