Nautica, the report: “For Italy + 4.7% sea economy”

The Chamber of Commerce of Frosinone and Latina presented the IX National Report on the economy of the sea promoted by Informare, a special company for the internalization, training and economy of the sea and elaborated by the G. Tagliacarne Study Center and Unioncamere. An appointment awaited by the whole sector was staged in the morning at the Genoa Boat Show, on the occasion of the 6th National Day on the Economy of the Sea. “Today’s – explains the president of the Lower Lazio Chamber of Commerce, Giovanni Acampora – is a unique opportunity to offer a key to understanding a fundamental sector for our country. The Report, which will be presented by Centro Studi Tagliacarne, traces the coordinates of the blue economy of our country, defining the economic dimension of a complex system of supply chains, today, more than ever, crucial for an economic recovery of the country and more generally of all of Europe. Italy is currently going through an extraordinary recovery phase superior to other European countries. According to the latest Istat estimates, the growth acquired for 2021 is equal to + 4.7% (+ 3.5% the EU figure), resulting in Italy as the leader in Europe together with France, although we are still below the level pre covid as is also the case in the main economies of the Eurozone “.” The performance of Made in Italy is excellent – highlighted the president Acampora – with sales abroad that have already exceeded the values ​​of the first half of 2019, confirming records that not even the pandemic has managed to infect and demonstrate that our country is an absolute protagonist for design, creativity and innovation. In the current context, we are called to the challenge of the double green and digital transition. For this to happen, institutions and companies will have to contribute in a joint effort to ensure the development of new skills connected to the main drivers of technological innovation and sustainability that will generate an increasingly pressing need for new intelligence. The next few months will be crucial and the vitality that our country has already demonstrated must be followed by the convergence of actions so that the commitments undertaken are fulfilled. ”On the same wavelength Gaetano Fausto Esposito, general manager of the G. Tagliacarne Study Center, who presented the Report: “The blue economy chain plays a central role in the country’s economic development: to get an idea, its direct value is one and a half times higher than that of agriculture. An important contribution comes from the South, which produces one third of the entire national value of the blue economy. The pandemic has also hit the blue economy supply chain hard, which lost 10.7 billion in 2020, almost a quarter of the total national value, particularly in the component most closely linked to tourism . While the nautical supply chain has held up better, despite recording a contraction of 11%, also due to the good performance achieved on the domestic markets in the second part of last year “. At the Salone Nautico, the workshop ‘Blue growth’ was also held, by Assonautica, Informare and Assonat, which was attended by the managing director of the Sea Economy of the special company, Antonello Testa : “For Italy the sea has always been a resource and, for several years, we have been analyzing the blue economy because it represents growth, employment, innovation. Today, in the midst of efforts for recovery, our challenge is to consider the “sea system” a strategic ally for sustainable competitiveness, for the fight against climate change, to enhance biodiversity, to win the battle of energy supply. and water. Today, supporting further growth implies a strategic vision that integrates all the factors of sustainability “. Going into detail, the managing director of Informare underlined:” Our Report on the Economy of the Sea is based on a particular indicator, the multiplier of economy of the sea which indicates how much added value is activated, for each euro produced by the blue economy, in all other economic activities that contribute to its realization. In 2019 the blue economy produced 47.5 billion of value which activated, due to the multiplicative effect, another 89.4 billion of added value, for an amount of wealth produced equal to 136.9 billion which represents 8.6% of the added value produced by the entire national economy. Ultimately we can say that, due to the multiplicative effect, each euro produced by the blue economy has activated another 1.9 in the rest of the economy ”.

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