Seine-Saint-Denis: a police officer filmed hitting a man on the ground, an open investigation – The HuffPost

Jose Maria Hernandez / EyeEm via Getty Images

In a video posted on social networks, a police officer hits a man immobilized on the ground Friday, September 17 in Noisy-le-Grand. An investigation has been opened.

POLICE – An administrative investigation was opened after the publication of the social networks of a video showing a police officer who hits a man on the ground during his arrest on Friday in Noisy-le-Grand (Seine-Saint-Denis), the Paris police headquarters.

In these amateur images taken from the balcony of a building, two police officers are questioning a man, kept on the ground. Then a third official arrives who hits him with a punch and a kick in the head.

The facts took place around 8:30 p.m. while the police intervened for a “crowd with noise, in the street”, told AFP the public prosecutor of Bobigny.

The 22-year-old man was then taken into police custody and referred for immediate appearance on Monday, September 20 for violence and contempt, this source said.

The man already known to the police for contempt

During their intervention, the police recognized this man, already known for contempt, and decided to put him aside. But he got angry and hit the officers, according to a source close to the investigation.

Two officials had five and six days of ITT (total incapacity for work), said the prosecution.

For his part, the lawyer for the young man’s family, Me Arié Alimi, announced to AFP its intention to file a complaint for “willful violence by a person holding public authority in assembly and with weapons”.

The lawyer considered that his client had paid the price for a “conflictual context” in this neighborhood, following the release of another person.

The lawyer considered that his client had paid the price for a “conflictual context” in this neighborhood, following the release of another person. Me Alimi indicated that he was “collecting all the testimonies”.

“We regret that the prosecution, as usual, has chosen to defer after custody this young man without opening an investigation into the violence yet proven with regard to the video and illegitimate”, responded Me Alimi. “This is a protection of the police by the Bobigny prosecutor’s office,” he said.

See also on The HuffPost: Police violence: no new independent monitoring institution, but more transparency

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