DIRECT. Covid-19: Pfizer ensures that its vaccine is “safe” for 5-11 year olds – archyworldys

The essential

  • According to the latest data from Public Health France, 8,887 people are hospitalized in France because of Covid-19 or one of its variants. The decline continues : they were 8,912 people hospitalized Saturday and 10,012 last Sunday.
  • In the light of this assessment, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran confirmed on Sunday in our newspaper possible easing of restrictions, including concerning the health pass, the implementation of which was denounced in 199 rallies on Saturday throughout France.
  • A Health Defense Council will be held “soon”, Gabriel Attal announced yesterday. On the menu: “a reflection on how we can adapt the health pass to the local situation”.
  • Sunday night, 1,832 people remained supported in critical care services, against 1,837 the day before and 2,129 the previous Sunday. Some 33 SARS-CoV-2 patients have also joined the critical care units since Saturday.
  • The total number of deaths since the start of the epidemic stands at 116,030, including 89,233 in hospital, with 28 deaths in the last 24 hours.

Follow the events of the day live:

1:15 p.m. New Caledonia hopes to win the vaccination bet. Every day, a dial-shaped graph is scrutinized in New Caledonia, affected later than other overseas territories by the Covid-19 epidemic: it indicates the estimated date on which the target of 80 % of first-time vaccines will be reached. At the moment, the needle oscillates between October 4 and 14.

While New Caledonia records its 25th death, the authorities hope to go quickly because since the discovery of the first cases of Covid-19 in this French archipelago on September 6, vaccination has aroused real enthusiasm.

12:50. Pfizer says its vaccine is “safe” for 5-11 year olds. Based on a clinical trial involving 2,268 children aged 5 to 11, Pfizer ensures that its vaccine is “well tolerated” and that it offers a “robust” immune response in this age group. The group now intends to submit an application for approval to the FDA, the United States Medicines Agency. Once the request is officially filed, the agency will make a decision “as quickly as possible, probably in a matter of weeks rather than months.”

12:28. Extend the health pass beyond November 15? “Far too early” to know if it would be necessary, slice Senator Les Républicains Philippe Bas. “The law on the health pass has been applicable for 41 days. It expires in 55 days. (…) No precipitation ! “, Writes the elected on Twitter. The government, which intends to table a bill on October 13 extending the health pass beyond November 15, will imperatively need the agreement of the Senate – where the right is in the majority – to have it adopted.

12:05. Olivier Véran in favor of territorialization of the end of the health pass. “We must be able to say at a given time this measure is no longer essential in this territory at that time,” said Minister of Health Olivier Véran on Monday.

11:45 am. The Philippines will reopen their schools, closed for 18 months. The Philippines will reopen, for the first time in a year and a half, up to 120 schools closed due to Covid-19 in order to allow a limited number of students to follow face-to-face lessons. Almost all the countries of the world have partially or fully reopened their schools.

11:30 am. Keep the sanitary pass, at a time when the situation is improving? The Prime Minister’s entourage explains this Monday to the Parisian why Jean Castex will present on October 13 a bill to extend the obligation of the health pass. “It may seem paradoxical at a time when we are talking about easing restrictions, we concede. But we need to keep the tool in the pocket to keep it in certain places or to reuse it in the event of a resurgence of the epidemic. “

11:15 am. Prolonged, but relaxed, confinement in Auckland. New Zealand’s largest city will remain confined for two more weeks, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced on Monday. The city, which has two million inhabitants, will be demoted by Tuesday evening to alert level three on a scale of four, because there is “no more widespread and undetected transmission in Auckland”, a- she told the press. The inhabitants will have to continue to stay at home but some businesses, such as restaurants, will now be able to deliver without any contact.

10:50 a.m. The Oise puts an end to the mask in places subject to the health pass. As of Monday, wearing a mask is no longer compulsory in the Oise in establishments, places and services subject to the health pass. However, it can be made compulsory when local circumstances justify it. Our article here.

10:30 am. Separated from her 4-year-old daughter for over a month. Justine, a French expatriate in Hong Kong with her family, had to entrust her little girl to her nanny 35 days ago. In question, a drastic quarantine to which the other members of the family are subjected, as she tells it to our colleagues from LCI:

10:15 am. Anything new on the origins of Covid-19? According to the blog Medical Realities by medico-scientific journalist Marc Gozlan, researchers from the Institut Pasteur have identified bat coronaviruses in northern Laos which are, to date, the closest ancestors of SARS-CoV-2. If they could help go back to the origins of the pandemic, these new indices also invite vigilance: they “seem to have the same infectious potential for humans as the first strains” of Covid-19 and could thus be transmitted to them, warns the author of the blog.

10 hours. Record cases in Laos, the locked capital. Residents of Vientiane, the capital of Laos, have been ordered to confine themselves until September 30 in an attempt to stem the wave of the coronavirus epidemic, official media announced on Monday. Outings are only allowed to buy food, medicine or go to the hospital. Very little information leaks from the country, one of the poorest in Asia, ruled with an iron fist by the Communist Party since 1975.

9.40 a.m. Towards an extension of the health pass beyond November 15. Prime Minister Jean Castex is working on a bill that aims to extend the obligation of the health pass beyond November 15th. This bill should be presented on October 13 in the Council of Ministers, before being examined by deputies and senators.

9:15 am. Health pass for 12-17 year olds: D-10. Minors of 12 years old (and 2 months) at the age of 17 must in turn be in possession of a health pass as of September 30. Currently, less than 70% (69.1%) of them have received a first dose, according to Public Health France.

9 hours. Pfizer is coming to doctors and pharmacists. The Pfizer vaccine ordering portal opened at 8 a.m. on Monday for doctors and pharmacists. The doses ordered this week will arrive in pharmacies “between Friday 1st and Tuesday 5th October”.

Doctors and pharmacists can order doses of Pfizer this Monday.

State-certified nurses, midwives, dental surgeons and medical biology laboratories will in turn be able to order vaccines “very soon”.

08:40. Hospitalizations continue to decline over 7 days in the United States. The number of people hospitalized in the United States has been declining for a week. The United States reached its lowest number of hospitalizations in a month on Sunday.

8:15 am. The incidence rate is falling. All age groups are affected by an effective reduction in the incidence rate. An encouraging hint detailed below:

8 hours. In great economic difficulty, Fiji wants to reopen its borders. Still in the grip of Covid-19, the Fiji Islands wish to welcome tourists again from November in the hope of reviving an economy devastated by the pandemic. When 80% of the eligible population has been vaccinated, tourists from countries on a “green list” – Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Singapore and parts of the United States – will be able to stay. on the archipelago without having to carry out quarantine. So far, 66% of residents have received two doses of the vaccine.

7.40 am. The last days of whatever it takes. From October 1, the solidarity fund set up to help companies overcome the health crisis will be replaced by the “fixed costs »Targeted at sectors which remain in difficulty. For others, stress rises: many bosses fear they will not be able to meet repayments.

7:20 a.m. The Covid has reconciled the French with the canteen. With the pandemic, the canteen has become a real social issue, according to an Elabe survey for Sodexo that we unveil exclusively this Monday.

7 hours. Confinement relaxed in Martinique. We are gradually loosening the grip in Martinique: from this Monday, travel will be authorized within a radius of 10 km, instead of 1 km around the home until then. Access to the beaches will be authorized again, “in dynamic mode”. Navigation will be possible with the rule of 6 passengers maximum for private boats.

From Wednesday, September 22, non-essential shops will be able to reopen while respecting the obligation to wear a mask and the gauge of 8 m2 per person. Restaurants and sports halls will also be able to raise the curtain, the sanitary pass will be compulsory. On the other hand, the hours of the curfew will remain unchanged: it will still be forbidden to travel between 7 p.m. and 5 a.m., unless there is a compelling reason.

6:45 am. Stop wasted doses. Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown calls on senior officials of his country and the European Union to face the “Disaster of wasted Covid-19 vaccine doses”. If politicians do not redistribute their vaccines to the poorest countries, 100,000 doses could be wasted by December, warns Gordon Brown.

6.30am. How Jean Castex’s QR code ended up online. Internet users have scanned the famous QR code of the Prime Minister, we explain everything in this article.

6:15 am. Covid-19 at school: to follow or not to follow the Scientific Council? In an opinion that has not been made public, experts recommend systematically screening children at school and to send home only children found positive in the larger classes. The Ministry of National Education, which has not adopted this strategy, refuses to comment.

6:10 am. Hello everyone. Welcome to this live dedicated to the evolution of the health crisis linked to Covid-19.

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