CORONAVIRUS The number of vaccinated in hospitals is growing: Analyst Smatana spoke about the effectiveness of vaccines! –

The Ministry of Health has only recently begun to publish how many of the hospitalized people are unvaccinated. While the first figures were around 91%, today the unvaccinated make up “only” 86% of all hospitalizations. Health analyst Smatana therefore rhetorically asks at the beginning of the status whether this means that vaccines protect against hospitalization to only 86% and whether their effectiveness does not happen to fall sharply. “Not,” Smatana answers briefly.

Statistics are not everything

Smatana believes that only these numbers do not determine the effectiveness of the vaccine. “Vaccine efficacy cannot be justified by statistics published on a daily basis by either our or any ministry. Efficacy can be calculated either by mathematical models (as in the English PHE or the US CDC, for example) or by clinical trials in two populations – one vaccinated, the latter not and then the effectiveness is calculated, “ Smatana explains, which also documents the graph of hospitalizations and human mortality.

Source: Facebook / Martin Smatana

The percentage of vaccinated will grow, it’s simple math

Smatana warns against the obvious mathematical fact for some, namely that the percentage of those vaccinated among hospitalized will increase in the coming days. It’s for a logical reason. “The more vaccinated the country has, the more the percentage of hospitalized people who received both benefits will grow. If the country had vaccinated every inhabitant and had only one hospitalized, then the vaccinated make up 100 percent of the hospitalized,” Smatana explained.

While in Slovakia the unvaccinated make up about 86% of all hospitalized, in England it was only 58% in August and in Ireland 46%. According to Smatan, the share of (un) vaccinated people in total hospitalizations and the effectiveness of vaccines are therefore two different topics. Finally, he asks the same question: “What is the effectiveness of the vaccines? Pfizer and Moderna protect against hospitalization to 95-99% and Astrazeneca in the range of 90-99%. Although the effectiveness against symptomatic symptoms decreases over time, according to data from England, protection against hospitalization and severe months at a more or less unchanged level, “ continues.

Martin Smatana

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar,

“Yes, effectiveness depends on many factors. Age, co-morbidities, and many other factors play a big role. This nicely captures PHE in the charts below. Note that vaccinees have a significantly lower chance of hospitalization and death than non-vaccinees across all groups. , “ concluded.

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