Banca Generali and Stefano Guindani present “BG4SDGs – Time to Change”

Seventeen shots in seventeen months. The photographic project of Banca Generali signed by Stefano Guindani entitled “BG4SDGs – Time to Change” kicks off. The goal is to explore the world of sustainability through the universal matrix of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) that make up the UN 2030 Agenda. Through the lens of its own objective, Guindani investigates the state of achievement of the 17 ambitious goals defined by the Nations. United in the document “Transforming our world. The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development “signed in Paris in 2015. For each of them, the key of the photographer is twofold: on the one hand it aims to highlight the negative action of man on the environment and on the community, from the other as the human race itself has an extraordinary resilience through innovative and sustainable solutions. In his research, Guindani will go beyond the Italian borders, looking for critical cases and situations of excellence also abroad: Brazil, Norway and Australia, but also the United States and South Africa. He will be accompanied by an exceptional companion such as Alberto Salza, an anthropologist among the most appreciated internationally, who will take care of the texts of the project and suggest some of the projects to be monitored. Guindani’s photographs will then be published on the Instagram channels of Banca Generali and by the artist himself, with a calendar that includes the story of an SDG for each month, for a total duration of 17 months. At the end of 2022, the most representative shots will be the subject of a traveling photographic exhibition and a dedicated catalog. “BG4SDGs – Time to Change” was presented in Milan at Banca Generali’s BG Training & Innovation Hub. The opportunity to set up a round table dedicated to sustainability issues and to discover the first shots regarding the first UN objective investigated, namely SDG number 12 “Responsible consumption and production”. To frame the problem and provide the solution, Stefano Guindani photographed the work of Ecopneus, a Milanese company that aims at tracing, collecting and treating one of the major sources of pollution on our planet: end-of-life tires. After recovering them, Ecopneus restores a life cycle to these materials by converting them into athletics tracks, soccer fields and basketball courts that are built on the outskirts of large cities, thus also creating new associative spaces for the community.

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