His project, his first measures … This is what Eric Zemmour’s candidacy for the Elysée would look like – Le Journal du dimanche

6:00 a.m., September 15, 2021

Eric Zemmour is not yet a candidate for the presidential election of 2022. “It is I who choose the moment”, he argued Tuesday morning on RTL, agreeing that he was currently in an “ambiguous” situation but that he could “make” the suspense last as long as he wanted it. The far-right polemicist, who has just ceased his activity as a columnist for the Figaro then on the CNews channel, multiplies the speeches on the occasion of the release of his new book, France has not said its last word (Editions Rubempre). The book is intended to chronicle the decline of the country, against which the journalist now wants to “act”. This step, which will be accompanied by a tour, is thought to be the prelude to an electoral campaign, even if Eric Zemmour warns that it will “not be a candidate for testimony”.

Credited for the first time Tuesday with 10% of voting intentions in a Harris Interactive poll, the near-candidate is taking advantage of this return to decline his political project and his first proposals, which he wishes to be resolutely radical.

His observation: a “change of civilization” threatens France

Eric Zemmour has been praising his ideological consistency for years, he who became known to the general public in the 2000s as a columnist for Laurent Ruquier in the show We are not in bed, on France 2. After his tests French melancholy (2010) and French suicide (2014), the man continues to portray a country in decline, victim both of the disintegration of the State and of the progression of what he designates as adversaries of the French nation and which often refers to the question of Islam. In this “catastrophic state”, France would thus be, according to him, the victim of a “change of civilization” and “of a change of people”. Eric Zemmour thus takes up the conspiracy theory of “great replacement” of the French population, a theme dear to the extreme right-wing identity and which is not unanimous within the National Rally.

Read also – Eric Zemmour, behind the scenes of a political orbit

“Whoever wins the presidential election is the one who imposes the question to which he has the answer, exposed Eric Zemmour on Tuesday on RTL. I think that the fundamental question that torments the French is immigration, added to Islam The question of the existence of the French people is posed […] I want to impose this question, as a candidate or not as a candidate. “

His project: “we must remake the French”

Eric Zemmour, who stands up both against a “dominant nihilist ideology”, “political correctness” or any form of “progressivism”, therefore sets himself the task of saving a French people who would be promised “an Islamic Republic” . “I think that the defrancization is one of the major problems, we must remake the French”, he affirms, estimating that one does not “make any more French,” in the dominant culture “, at school or still on television.

To reconnect with this “beloved France”, the 63-year-old writer agrees with the great characters of history, starting with Napoleon Bonaparte and General de Gaulle. But the references of this author are complex, he who tried in the past to rehabilitate Marshal Pétain by explaining that he had saved French Jews from the Nazi camps, or who defended the nationalist and anti-Semitic journalist, founder of the newspaper. royalist French Action, Charles Maurras, or the former senior official convicted of complicity in crimes against humanity, Maurice Papon. It also claims to Donald trump, to the point of having deliberately taken as a starting point, for the cover of his book, a work by the former American president.

The cover of Eric Zemmour’s book is inspired by that of Donald Trump’s book.


Politically, the man claims to be part of the former RPR – which, according to him, “sold to the centrists” by becoming the UMP then LR – and wants to be the point of connection between the right-wing bourgeois electorate and the popular electorate which would today be that of Marine Le Pen.

His proposals: targeting Islam through immigration

Saturday night guest on the show We are live, on France 2, Eric Zemmour assured to have “a plan in mind”. In the epilogue of his book, he invokes the defense of “the 5 i”: identity, immigration, independence, education, industry. And he defends a series of first measures:

  • He wants to “stop” immigration by “removing the automatic rights of immigrants”. He wants remove the right from the ground as well as family reunion and prevent the asylum request from being made in France, but “elsewhere”. To do this, he intends to call a referendum to submit these questions directly to the French.
  • He wants systematic expulsion of criminally convicted foreigners.
  • He wants extend the forfeiture of nationality for dual nationals convicted “for a crime or a succession of misdemeanors”, such as rape or drug trafficking.
  • He wants the “takeover by the state of the ‘lawless areas'”.
  • He wants prohibit foreign first names by re-establishing a 1803 law from Napoleon who wished, at the time, to contain the surge of revolutionary first names. “What bothers me is that after three generations, their children are still called Mohamed”, explained Eric Zemmour on RTL, judging that “it was also a mistake to authorize the Kévin and the Jordan “.
  • He wants “ban the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists”, and therefore the “mosques held by the Salafists”, he said on France 2.
  • By calling a referendum on the migration issue, and more generally, he wants “get rid of the legal constraints of the Human Rights Council, the European Court of Justice and the Constitutional Council”, which would prevent part of his project from being realized, and more generally wishes to “take back power from the judges”.
  • He wants “to stop denouncing ‘police violence’ and ‘discrimination’ and facial checks,” he also writes in his book. “We must, on the contrary, understand that ‘violence against the police’ requires giving the latter a presumption of self-defense.”
  • Beyond these themes, Eric Zemmour was questioned on RTL on the subject of pensions and said to himself in favor of “delaying the retirement age if, moreover, we have a bonus-malus system which obliges the bosses not to fire people at 50 ”.
  • He considered “demagogic” the proposal of Anne Hidalgo to “double the salaries of teachers” by considering that the “first problem of teachers” is a problem of “authority” and that they no longer “transmit knowledge”.

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