Prof without Green went on hunger strike: “Left out after 21 years”

They did not let her into school and so, from today, she went on a hunger strike. She is Alba Silvani, 62, from Sulmona (Aq), and after 21 years of waiting and endless rankings, from this school year she is a permanent teacher. But she didn’t get vaccinated and she doesn’t have a green pass. “And this morning – she tells Adnkronos – when I arrived at the nursery school in Collarmele (Aq), where I have to teach, I was not allowed to do my job because I was denied entry, not having the certificate green. Already in the past few days – she explains – when I went to sign the contract, they didn’t let me access the institute: they put a table outside and I signed the contract there “. She says she is not “a no vax”, but she has some doubts about “this experimental Covid vaccine”, and “reasoning” has decided at the moment that it is not necessary. His protest will continue in the next few days, “at least for five – he highlights – reiterating my reasons and asking for respect for the constitutional right to work and against all forms of discrimination”. He also sent a letter to the Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi. “The green pass – he affirms – is discriminatory and the obligation of the swab imposed on teachers every 48 hours is not only highly invasive and unsustainable both from a health and economic point of view, but represents a discrimination compared to other categories such as parliamentarians and Parliament workers who can enter without any obligation to green pass: the parliamentarians who make the laws valid for all other citizens! Parliamentarians do not have to show anything, while we are asked for the “green card” to be able to work. right? “.” Italy – he recalls – is a democratic Republic founded on work (article 1 of the Constitution) and not on the green pass. The obligation of the green pass is also against article 3 of the Constitution which, other, prohibits any discrimination with respect to ‘… personal and social conditions’. This obligation, which represents a surreptitious form of the obligation to vaccinate, is also against the decisions of Europe, which – he argues – has established that ‘it is necessary to avoid direct or indirect discrimination against people who are not vaccinated and have decided not to undergo vaccination “(EC Regulation 953/2021, point 36). It is unfair to argue that the vaccine is not mandatory and then make life impossible for those who do not undergo it “.” Among other things – he remarks – there is no need to impose the green pass on teachers, a category that has reached target of 92% of vaccinated and therefore exceeded the target of herd immunity. I – he reiterates – I continued to work in the classroom with the children when everyone was afraid of Covid and opted for distance learning “.

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