After Mitterrand, Macron brings visual artist Daniel Buren to the Elysee Palace – archyworldys

Emmanuel Macron likes to follow in his footsteps in those of his illustrious predecessors. Thirty-five years after François Mitterrand, who had entrusted the redevelopment of the main courtyard of the Palais-Royal (Paris) to Daniel Buren, then causing a violent controversy between conservatives and modernists, the Head of State in turn decided to appeal to the French plastic artist, by lending him the glass roof of the Winter Garden of the Elysée to install a work there, announced as temporary but that the artist does not despair to see perpetuated.

The result, unveiled on Monday September 13 by Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, will be visible during the European Heritage Days on September 18 and 19 and will not surprise those who know Buren’s work. Faithful to his principles, the plastic surgeon decided to cover the 250 m2 of the glass canopy of filters in the colors of the French flag, interspersed with panels displaying the 8.7-centimeter-wide vertical bands that have made the artist’s reputation. “A resolutely patriotic work”, welcomed the Head of State.

Read also the archive (2018): Brigitte Macron wants to dust off the decoration of the Elysée

The choice to entrust the glass roof of the Elysee Palace to Daniel Buren, now 83 years old, was made by Mr. Macron after a visit from the plastic surgeon, organized on April 5 by the designer Ora-ïto, a close friend of the two men. The Head of State was then looking for a way to enhance the atmosphere of the Winter Garden, after the large tapestry by Pierre Alechinsky who decorated it since 2017 was removed. “It was a little empty, sad”, confided the President of the Republic, who likes to show himself dialoguing with the artists.

Nicolas Sarkozy invited

Officially, the work has cost the State little or nothing. “The artist is not remunerated, the Elysée only took charge of the installation costs, around 50,000 euros”, confides the entourage of Mr. Macron. Likewise, the work, called “Pavoisé”, is scheduled to be temporary and dismantled in February 2022. Unless Daniel Buren convinces the presidential couple to keep it. “I did a few exhibitions which lasted twenty-five years”, the plastic surgeon laughed at the inauguration, explaining that he could not refuse “A place which represents the French Republic”, while refuting the title of“Official artist”.

During his speech, held in front of an audience of cultural and political leaders (ex-minister Jack Lang, gallery owner Kamel Mennour, actress Farida Khelfa, entrepreneur Marc Simoncini, president of the Grand Palais Chris Dercon, etc. ), Emmanuel Macron greeted the “Resistance” demonstrated by the cultural world over the past eighteen months, shaken by the health crisis. “You continued to create and receive as much of the public as possible whenever possible, to lead the projects”, he congratulated, calling “A creative energy” To “To seize our country in the times to come”.

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