Covid, dies in ward with unvaccinated nurse: Order investigates

In Pistoia a 90-year-old dies of Covid in hospital, hospitalized in a ward where an unvaccinated nurse also worked. “We are following the case closely”, assures Danilo Massai, president of the Interprovincial Order of Nursing Professions (Opi) of Florence-Pistoia, and “we have also asked for information from the Order to which the colleague is a member”. The woman died in the hospital in Pistoia – reads a note from the OPI – after having tested positive for Covid-19. The elderly woman was hospitalized in a ward where an unvaccinated nurse also worked, enrolled in a different Order than that of Florence and Pistoia, which tested positive in August. “We are interested in clarifying the dynamics of what happened – says Massai – and we are close to the family of the deceased lady. We are trying to understand why the nurse did not carry out the vaccination”.

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