Iglesias says that Podemos and Sumar have to converge but asks Díaz to respect the purple formation

The former leader of Podemos Pablo Iglesias has assured that Podemos has to come together with Sumar, the platform promoted by the second vice president Yolanda Díaz, and that they will be generous to come together with other leftists, but he has warned that for this the formation has to be “respected” .A line similar to that followed by the co-founder of the party, Juan Carlos Monedero, to underline that Podemos must be the “mother ship” of the “union” on the left, but whoever aspires to lead that space will be wrong and will not be able to “Enthusiasm” who “does not respect” the purple formation. This has been transferred by both during the closing of the ‘Autumn Uni’, the ideological forum of Podemos, and that they have starred together with the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, the co-founder of the formation, Monedero himself and MEP Idoia Villanueva at the Coliseum Theater in Madrid, which was attended by 1,200 supporters. The number ‘two’ of Podemos has warned that bipartisanship will try to destroy Podemos from facing the next electoral cycle and for this reason, in the May elections, they must go out to win with the will also to ally themselves with other leftist forces. The leader of the party, Ione Belarra, despite being on maternity leave, has briefly attended the beginning of the central rally of the event to greet their co-religionists, who have received the speakers shouting ‘Yes, we can’ and ‘No to war’. Meanwhile, the former leader of the party explained during his speech that there will soon be regional elections and and some think that it is a “magnificent opportunity” so that Podemos “has a bad result” and “IU disappears”, so that the entire field is left to another left that is not persecuted by the sewers.” The level of ingenuity of such an approach is embarrassing. Who thinks that a left-wing candidacy can do well if Podemos does poorly in the municipal elections? You have to be stupid”, he has proclaimed. In addition, he has confronted that it was precisely Podemos who opted for a candidate who was not from his training for the generals, in reference to Díaz, and who will continue to be generous, but from respect and being aware that they are the main formation on the left. Monedero: Podemos is the “mother ship” of the left which there is no possible organization. He has also revealed that the party has experienced vicissitudes with attempts to divide it, the departure of Iglesias at the head of the party and “attacks” when it was thought that Podemos was weak, but that Belarra and his team have recovered ” the project that was born in the streets on 15M”. Then, he assured that Podemos has always wanted to “add” and fight for “transversality and centrality”, but warning that anyone who thinks that this objective is obtained “by giving in and n the ideas to try to please those who are not going to vote for us”. And it is that the confederal space has reached the Executive being “firm and flexible, open and coherent.” “And whoever wants to lead everything that the old parties do not represent has to be up to the challenges and respect the political force what else has been done by the left in recent Spain. Whoever does not respect Podemos (…) our successes and our failures (…) cannot excite those who were moved by the Podemos project and they are wrong” , has added Monedero to reaffirm that the formation must be “the mother ship of the union of the left” and that in these municipal elections “We can once again say who it is.”