Greenpeace plants solar panels in the Debod temple: “Pedro, what is it for today”

The action coincides with the start in Egypt of the United Nations conference on climate change”COP27 must be the summit of climate justice”, explains Pedro Zorrilla of Greenpeace40 activists have unfurled a banner and more than 20 solar panels’Pedro, what’s for today! Renewables for all NOW’ is the message that Greenpeace has sent this Sunday to Pedro Sánchez, President of the Government, from the Templo de Debod in Madrid, coinciding with the start in Egypt of the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, COP27. The NGO has urged him to commit to climate justice, “financing the losses and damage caused by climate change and bringing renewables to the whole world.” Greenpeace thus demands that Sánchez, from the greatest symbol of the Egyptian culture in Spain, which brings climate justice commitments to the summit to speed up the energy transition, involving the whole of society in the benefits of renewables, and financing the losses and damage caused by climate change caused by fuels fossils.This is a new action framed in the tour ‘Renewables in your hands now. It’s possible. It’s time’, with which the group has toured six Spanish towns to bring citizens closer to savings, efficiency and renewable energy options. The environmental organization asks the administrations to do their part and accelerate an energy transition to renewables “respectful with people and biodiversity, by and for citizens”. During the protest, 40 activists have displayed a large banner with the message addressed to the president and more than 20 portable solar panels and photovoltaic modules.”Energy corruption””We are fed up with so much energy corruption” explains María Prado, campaign coordinator for Greenpeace. “Pedro Sánchez has a golden opportunity to send a clear message that the cultural, political and economic hegemony of fossil fuels has come to an end and that he is firmly committed to the only solutions, solutions that work throughout the world and benefit the whole of society and to the planet: renewables for people, made by people; energy saving and efficiency”. For his part, Pedro Zorrilla Miras, representative of Greenpeace Spain in the international delegation of Greenpeace at COP27, has emphasized from Egypt that “COP27 must be the summit of climate justice.” “Spain has the opportunity and the responsibility to lead the most ambitious decisions, putting on the table new emission reduction commitments aligned with science and sufficient financing commitments so that those who are most vulnerable to the consequences of climate change can face the losses. and damage inflicted by a problem for which they are barely responsible and so that they can adapt to prevent worse consequences”. Petitions Achieve a “decarbonized and 100% renewable” energy system, including guarantees of access to the electricity grid, guarantee renewable development ordered and participated by citizenship, abandon fossil fuels, their subsidies and their cultural hegemony and contribute funds to the most vulnerable countries and communities, are some of the requests expressed. The environmental organization understands that the necessary contribution must be increased to fulfill the global promise of 2015 to contribute 100,000 million dollars so that low-income countries can adapt and increase resilience to the impacts of climate change, and also fulfill the commitment made by rich countries at COP26 to double financing for adaptation before 2025. For Greenpeace limit raising the temperature to 1.5 ºC “is the only acceptable interpretation of the Paris Agreement and agreeing to the global elimination of the production and consumption of coal, gas and oil on dates that are compatible with the 1.5 ºC limit “. For this reason, it requires Spain to “increase its commitment to reduce emissions to at least 55% in 2030 compared to 1990.” Regarding the protection of nature, the NGO explained that the Government must ensure “that take binding measures to protect 30% of the oceans and 30% of land areas by 2030”.Last action of the tourThe tour ‘Renewables in your hands now. It’s possible, it’s time’, has toured, since its inception, the towns of Getafe, Zaragoza, Teruel, Valencia, Malaga and Arroyomolinos de León in Huelva. Its objective has been to bring the citizens closer to the options of saving, efficiency and use of renewables to meet the energy needs of the day to day and to propose to the municipalities the approval of a motion aimed at assuming specific commitments to implement a transition plan. energetic.