Sánchez returns to Congress: the control session will measure the climate between the Government and the PP after the failure of the GCPJ

This Wednesday a government control session is held in the Congress of Deputies that will serve as a thermometer to measure the climate between the Executive and the PP after the breakdown of the negotiations to renew the CGPJ, the issue that monopolizes the political debate and it has meant a turning point in the relations between Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo. The fiasco of the negotiations, when the agreement to close the crisis in the Judiciary seemed imminent, has led to a huge deterioration in the relationship and predicts the impossibility of reaching major agreements in the remainder of the legislature in an imminently electoral scenario. Sánchez returns to Congress in a session focused on the economy but with the judicial crisis hovering over the air. The three questions that the president of the PP, PNV and Bildu will answer are related to their economic management, European funds and social rights. The CGPJ will fly over the session focused on the economy It will be the first time that Sánchez faces popular leaders after the failure last Thursday when Alberto Núñez Feijóo announced the suspension of the negotiations due to the Executive’s intention to reform the crime of sedition. The opposition leader, who is not a deputy, will not question the president. He will be his number two in the party and spokesperson for the popular parliamentary group, Cuca Gamarra. “Do you think that his policies generate opportunities for the Spanish?”, Is the statement of the question that Gamarra has planned on paper. The PP focuses on the economy in its scuffle with Sánchez, although the crisis in the Judiciary is right now the issue that generates the most tension between Moncloa and Genoa. Sánchez demands that the PP comply with the Constitution This same Monday, the Prime Minister called on the PP to comply with the Constitution from beginning to end, “without excuses or subterfuge.” It was in tribute to the victims of Francoism. Pedro Sánchez did not explicitly mention the Popular Party but he was clearly the recipient of his message. A state act that Feijóo did not attend, nor the president of the Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, nor the mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, despite the fact that they were invited. Sources from Moncloa have lamented these absences and denounced that the leaders of the PP are boycotting the acts organized by the Executive. Also last Saturday in Seville, during his speech at the rally to commemorate 40 years since the PSOE’s landslide victory in 1982, Sánchez called for compliance with the Magna Carta “from top to bottom, from the first to the last article, regardless of the government or in the opposition”. He reproached that failing to comply “without shame” is “the defeat of moderation and the triumph of extremism.” There he did not quote the PP either. This Wednesday he will have the popular bench in front of him and the message, presumably, will be the same. The PP wants a written commitment Since last Thursday everything was blown up, the popular have accused Sánchez of trying to deceive them to satisfy their pro-independence partners with the reform of the crime of sedition. Feijóo has charged against the president and maintains that he stopped the pact when he was aware that he “wanted to weaken the institutions.” This Monday, PP leaders have reiterated that the agreement was not made as the Government maintains. Genoa also requires a written commitment that the sedition will not be reformed as a condition for returning to negotiations. A possibility that right now seems impossible. Both Sánchez and all the members of the cabinet and the PSOE have been raising the tone against the president of the PP because they consider that he has given in to pressure from the “most reactionary” right, he is not trustworthy and has shown that he has no sense of Condition. “With Mr. Feijóo you can’t even play Parcheesi because he doesn’t respect the rules of the game,” the Government spokesperson proclaimed on Monday after the Council of Ministers advanced on the occasion of the All Saints’ Day. In that press conference He did not clarify whether the Executive intends to appoint the two magistrates of the Constitutional Court that correspond to him and that are pending renewal. “The Government will comply with the Constitution” is the most repeated message. Puigdemont’s letter To all this, a letter published by Carles Puigdemont has added more ammunition to the open war. The former president of the Generalitat affirms that during these years he has received “people from the PSOE” who promised him “expectations of good treatment, via reform of the Penal Code, and a pardon”, although always conditional on his appearing in the Supreme Court. For Feijóo, the president prefers “to entertain the independence movement” than to agree with the PP and “continue to deliver to his partners everything they demand of him.” Moncloa criticizes the fact that the PP uses the escaped former president as an “argument of authority” to justify his breakup. In this environment, the control session will be held where, in addition to the PP’s question, Sánchez will respond to the PNV spokesman, Aitor Esteban, about his assessment of the effective execution of the European Funds and that of EH Bildu, Mertxe Aizpurua, on whether it will fulfill the pending promises in terms of rights. There are also four questions from the opposition addressed to the First Vice President of the Government, Nadia Calviño. In recent plenary sessions, the head of the Government’s economic policy has maintained a more political than technical profile and has starred in harsh confrontations with the deputies of the PP and Vox.