Former chess champion Anatoli Kárpov, hospitalized and in an induced coma after suffering an accident

The former world chess champion Anatoli Karpov.Europa PressAt the moment, Karpov is in an induced coma in the intensive care unit of the neurology ward of the Sklifosovski hospital in MoscowAfter a first examination, the doctors diagnosed him with a head injury, a fracture of the right hip and a strong state of intoxication Karpov was world champion between 1975 and 1985, and is currently a deputy of the Duma, the lower house of the Russian Parliament Former world chess champion Anatoli Karpov, 71, is hospitalized in the Russian capital , where he remains in an induced coma after having suffered a head injury as a result of a domestic accident. At the moment, Kárpov is in an induced coma in the intensive care unit of the neurology ward of the Sklifosovski hospital in Moscow, one of the centers most prestigious doctors in the country. According to the Russian Telegram channel 112, the chess player had been found unconscious next to the Russian Duma headquarters last Saturday. After a first examination, the doctors diagnosed him with a head injury, a fracture of the right hip and a strong state of intoxication. The Russian agency RIA Nóvosti confirmed with hospital sources that the former chess player is admitted in serious condition, however, he cited the denial of the head of public relations of the Russian Chess Federation, Kiril Zangalis, who denied that it was an attack. “The information that Anatoly Karpov was beaten does not correspond to reality. It is fake news,” he said. Karpov’s career Karpov was world champion between 1975 and 1985, and is currently a deputy of the Duma, the lower house of the Russian Parliament. He has contested ten world title finals, and has been champion in this category for 16 years, in addition to having won more than 160 solo and shared tournaments and nine times Chess Oscars. Karpov has won the USSR chess championship three times, in 1976 and 1983 solo and in 1988, when he shared first place with Gari Kasparov.