Live: Putin receives Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders for talks

Published on: 10/31/2022 – 07:08 In the eighth month of the offensive launched by Russia in Ukraine, which has caused embarrassment for Moscow’s partners and allies, Russian President Vladimir Putin receives the leaders of the Armenia and Azerbaijan for talks, after violent armed clashes on the border between the two Caucasian countries in September left 286 people dead. Follow hour by hour the developments of the war in Ukraine. 2:30 a.m .: Vladimir Putin receives the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan for talks Russian President Vladimir Putin is due to receive the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan for talks during the day, after violent armed clashes on the border between these two Caucasian countries in September, which left 286 dead. It was the worst episode of violence between these two ex-Soviet republics since a 2020 war over control of the mountainous enclave of Nagorny-Karabakh, a disputed region since the 1990s.This summit between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev also comes in the eighth month of Russia’s offensive in Ukraine, which has caused embarrassment for Moscow’s partners and allies.With AFP