Darmanin calls on the prefects to be vigilant for Halloween – Le Figaro

The first cop in France has warned that these parties could promote unrest in “usually hectic neighborhoods”. Gérald Darmanin called on the prefects on Sunday to be vigilant for Halloween in order to prevent incidents likely to take place in several “usually hectic neighborhoods” during this party or “who are currently experiencing a climate of tension”. In a telegram addressed to the prefects and of which AFP has taken note, the Minister of the Interior asks them “to ensure monitoring of social networks in the hours preceding the festivities, in order to detect possible messages calling for gathering or to commit abuses”. To read also Tragic Halloween in Seoul: the story of our correspondent in Seoul Gérald Darmanin adds that they will have to “solicit from the public prosecutor requisitions” in order to allow the police to carry out “identity checks” and “alcohol tests and saliva tests to detect narcotics”. On Saturday in Seoul, South Korea, Halloween rallies resulted in giant stampedes. Balance sheet 153 people killed and 134 injured. The warning from the French Minister of the Interior points more to the risk of violence or abuse.