Disappearance of Justine Vayrac, 20 years old: profile of the suspect, traces of blood … what we know about the case

Research around the farm where the young man lives took place this Wednesday, October 26. BFM TV has also revealed information about the suspect through the words of several of his relatives. Research and DNA analyzes are still ongoing. Update on the investigation. It has now been five days since Justine Vayrac gave any sign of life. Disappeared since Sunday October 23 after a nightclub outing in Brives, the 20-year-old mother has still not been found. An investigation has been underway since Monday, October 24 for “kidnapping and forcible confinement”, and has been entrusted to the Limoges judicial police and the Brive security brigade. Justine’s acquaintance, who was the last person to see him leaving the nightclub, is currently in custody and is considered the prime suspect. “Such a nice man” If we knew that he had tried to flee the gendarmes during his arrest on Tuesday, October 25, we now know a little more about the young man, thanks to an article by BFM TV. The latter is a 20-year-old farmer appreciated by the inhabitants of his village. “I saw him very regularly, he played football matches with his team and spent his evenings with us. I know him well. He is a person who has always behaved well”, explains Dimitri, an employee of a restaurant in which the suspect had his habits, at the microphone of BFM TV. “It’s disturbing that he is in this business,” he exclaims. Another relative of the farmer claims to have never seen him violent and aggressive, and that he was rather jovial by nature. “He has achieved a lot this year. He became a farm manager and passed his truck license,” he says. Saddened by this case, a retiree who knows the 20-year-old man well, adds that “he was such a nice young man”. The investigation continues The magistrate in charge of the case declared Wednesday, October 26: “the handbag of Justine Vayrac, containing personal effects, was discovered charred near the home of the person in custody”. Research around the farm where the young man lives took place this Wednesday, October 26 and should continue. DNA analyzes of traces of blood found in the car and in the suspect’s home are still in progress.