Feijóo transfers to foreign correspondents that he does not want a Government “at any price” conditioned by Vox

Núñez Feijóo has transferred to the foreign correspondents the vision of the PP on the economic situation and the recipes that his party proposes to overcome the crisis. He has answered questions about the fiscal policy of the PP, the Government of Meloni in Italy or the policy of alliances of the PP has also spoken about its policy of alliances, making it clear that the PP is a center-right, constitutionalist party that defends the State of Autonomies They have also discussed the new Italian government led by Giorgia Meloni or the alliance policy of the Party Popular, where he has made it clear that he does not want a government “at any price” conditioned by Vox, sources present at the meeting have informed Europa Press. Feijóo has held a meeting of almost two hours at the PP headquarters with the Circle of Foreign Correspondents –at the request of this association–, where he has answered more than twenty questions from journalists from the media. tion from different countries. At the meeting – which ‘Genoa’ describes as “useful” and “fruitful” – several collaborators of the leader of the ‘popular’ and the deputy secretary of Institutional and MEP of the PP, Esteban González Pons, were also present “Meeting with foreign correspondents in which I have conveyed to them our vision of the economic situation and our solutions to overcome this crisis,” Feijóo himself wrote in a message on his official Twitter account. He distances himself from the TrussTras fiscal policy An initial speech by the head of the opposition to the correspondents answered their questions on various topics: the PP’s fiscal policy; the new green corridor between Marseille and Barcelona (BarMar) in front of the MidCat; the Government of Meloni in Italy, the alliance policy of the PP or international relations with Ibero-America, among other issues. In line with his public statements this Monday after participating in an act on young people in Madrid, Feijóo has once again distanced himself from Liz Truss’s tax policies and has made it clear that what the PP is proposing has nothing to do with it. a reduction in VAT on basic products in the shopping basket, according to what the sources consulted have pointed out to Europa Press. The new Government of Meloni has also been discussed at the meeting and Feijóo has recognized foreign journalists that it brings “tranquility” the fact that Antonio Tajani has been appointed the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, given that he was president of the European Parliament and has a long pro-European career. In addition, from the PP they have d staked out that in the first steps that the Italian Government of Meloni is taking, “a break with Europeanism” is not perceived, something that contrasts with his messages from the opposition and in the electoral campaign. Bet on a government without voxA questions from journalists, Feijóo has also spoken out about his policy of alliances, making it clear that the PP is a center-right, constitutionalist party that defends the State of Autonomies. In addition, he has recalled his traceability these years, after having reached the Government of the Xunta de Galicia on four occasions with an absolute majority. Feijóo has highlighted to the correspondents that he aspires to a Government alone and that he has the right to make a Government in minority without vox. “I want a government but not at any price”, he stated, according to sources present at the meeting. During the meeting they also discussed the ‘BarMar’, the new green corridor between Spain and France that will connect Barcelona with Marseille and that has left behind the MidCat pipeline. The leader of the ‘popular’ has insinuated that this new project slows down the deadlines and that in the end what France and Emmanuel Macron wanted has happened, according to the sources consulted.

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