A taxi driver breaks the windows of a VTC with a client inside in Seville shouting “I’m going to set you on fire”

The taxi driver would have gotten out of his vehicle and would have accused him of taking “the bread”, after which he broke the rear window The events occurred around 10:50 p.m. on Friday at the confluence of Feria and Resolana streets National a few minutes after the altercation The National Police has arrested a taxi driver for alleged crimes of damage and coercion allegedly committed by preventing the circulation of a concerted transport vehicle (VTC) and breaking its rear window, falling its windows on a traveler who He was using the car. According to the complaint filed with the National Police and collected by Europa Press, the events would have occurred around 10:50 p.m. last Friday at the confluence of Feria and Resolana streets, where a VTC stopped to respect the red phase of a traffic light. When restarting the march at the beginning of the green phase of the traffic light group, according to the complaint of the driver of the aforementioned VTC, a taxi “crossed” his path preventing him from continuing, so this driver used the horn of his car. and according to the VTC driver’s complaint, the taxi driver got out of his vehicle and began to insult him, accusing him of taking “the bread” from him, in a context in which a few weeks ago the new decree of the Board of Andalusia that modifies Law 2/2003 on Urban and Metropolitan Passenger Transport in Andalusia, in order to regulate VTCs, a regulation to which taxi drivers have severely protested, considering it insufficient. The complaint includes that the taxi driver allegedly threatened to ” set fire” this VTC driver in case of seeing him at the airport, weighing the judicial investigation for alleged coercion and damage to monopolize the aerodrome taxi stand, a cause in which The Solidaridad Hispalense taxi association, based in the airport complex, is listed as being investigated as a legal entity. According to the complaint, the taxi driver tried to open the driver’s door of the VTC and, failing to do so, went to the back of the vehicle, without being able to open any doors either because the locks had already been blocked. Then, according to the complaint, the aforementioned taxi driver would have “hit hard” on the rear window of the car, fracturing it and its windows falling on a traveler who was using the VTC, who would have suffered an “anxiety” picture before the vivid scene. The aforementioned taxi driver, whose identity responds to the initials GSM, was finally arrested by the National Police around 11 pm that day, that is, a few minutes after the altercation.