Gb, Sunak’s revenge: a billionaire in Downing Street

Rule an “uncontrollable” party, in crisis in the polls and pull Britain out of the shallows of a financial crisis with prospects of recession that has already sunk the Truss government. It is the arduous task to which Rishi Sunak is called, the billionaire new tenant of Downing Street who has conquered the leadership of the Tories ‘by exclusion’ after the departure of his two challengers. The current leader of the House of Commons Penny Mordaunt, in fact, did not reach the required quorum of 100 deputies to pass to the second phase of the selections and the same fate was met by the former premier Boris Johnson, who after having caressed the dream of a return to the head of the government in record time, last night he withdrew by surprise, according to the British media, after becoming aware of the impossibility of reaching 100. For Sunak, who obtained the support of the new chancellor over the weekend of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, and the Minister of the Interior, Grant Shapps, it is a rematch after the scorching defeat in the ballot last month by Truss, the ‘new Thatcher’ effectively ousted by his own party after the markets had soundly rejected his maneuver, triggering a fall in the pound and a rise in mortgages – for the first time in history, and ironically at a time when many Brits are struggling as the cost of living rises, the head of government has more assets than the Royal Family. According to the Guardian, the new premier and his wife, Akshata Murty, daughter of billionaire co-founder of Infosys Narayana Murthy, can count on an estimated fortune of around 730 million pounds, more than double the king’s 300-350 million pounds. Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla. Father to two girls, Krishna and Anoushka, ‘the Maharaja of the Yorkshire Dales’ – as he is nicknamed – spends most of the week in his luxurious £ 7 million Kensington home before moving to weekends in his Georgian mansion in Kirby Sigston with swimming pool, gym, yoga room and tennis court. The British press estimated that, at market prices, Sunak would pay over £ 14,000 a year for electricity just to heat his 12×5 pool, nearly six times the average for a British family. The son of two East African parents of Punjabi origin who moved to Britain in the 1960s, Sunak – thanks to a wealthy family – attended one of the most expensive private schools in the country, Winchester. Trained in Oxford before earning millions with hedge funds and becoming an MP in 2015, he was an advocate of Brexit right from the start – a year ago the rise to Downing Street for the new premier seemed in the making. As darkening clouds gather over Johnson’s political future, many predicted his swift arrival at number 10. “Prime minister in waiting”, the Financial Times had even called it. Sunak’s popularity stemmed from being the initiator of a massive £ 350 billion state aid program for companies and individuals affected by the lockdown. His reputation, however, quickly faded, not helped by his wife’s ‘tax gate’, from the cost of living crisis to the accusation of stabbing Johnson in the back of him. Truss, on the contrary, had started from the bottom of the group, but had been able to exploit the war in Ukraine thanks to a harsh anti-Putin rhetoric. became apparent when a video was released of a young Sunak joking in a television documentary that he had no working-class friends. The same one that he will now have to ‘save’ from inflation.