The father of the baby stolen from the Basurto hospital considers the freedom of his kidnapper a “shame”

“It is a shame that you commit any crime and stay on the street after 72 hours,” said Pedro Castro. The family is studying filing a complaint against the Osakidetza Basque Health Service. It is a shame that you commit any crime and stay on the street after 72 hours, instead of being placed under provisional surveillance, in a psychiatric hospital, in jail or whatever,” he said. Although initially they had not thought of filing any complaint against the Basque Health Service for the kidnapping of their baby, now they are considering that possibility, after hearing that they had to check if the young kidnapper was carrying an identification card. The father of the newborn kidnapped from Basurto Hospital believes that there is a danger that something similar will happen again, since after the kidnapping the security measures in the center were increased, but after leaving the center “all the security”. Pedro Casto has indicated that both he and the baby and his mother are fine, although “with ups and downs”. The abductor, “very repentant” For his part, the lawyer of the confessed author of the kidnapping, Andrés Falceto, declared this Sunday that the young woman is very sorry, she wants to apologize to the baby’s parents personally, and asks her relatives how the newborn is. Falceto has confirmed that the young woman has requested voluntary admission to a psychiatric center, which she will request formally this Monday, and has said that she previously lost a baby when a pregnancy did not prosper. the duty judge of Bilbao. In her statement, the defendant acknowledged the facts and asked to enter a psychiatric center. Theft in the maternity hospital The events were recorded around nine o’clock last Wednesday night in the Basurto hospital, where the baby was snatched from his parents by the young woman who pretended to be the center’s health worker. On Thursday morning, the kidnapper left the baby on the mat of a flat in the Santutxu neighborhood, where the little boy was found in good condition around 8:30 a.m. About two hours later, the woman, who had told neighbors and acquaintances that she was pregnant and had already bought clothes and a baby seat, was arrested in the Bilbao neighborhood of Zorroza.

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