United Kingdom: Rishi Sunak announces his candidacy to be Prime Minister – Le Figaro

The former finance minister is in particular in competition with ex-prime minister Boris Johnson, who has not yet publicly declared himself a candidate. Former finance minister Rishi Sunak announced on Twitter on Sunday his candidacy to become the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, in order to “recover” the country’s economy and “unite” the Conservative Party. He was the first to reach the 100 Tory MP endorsements needed to continue the race on Friday evening. “The UK is a great country, but we are facing a deep economic crisis,” the 42-year-old wrote. , confirming his candidacy, while Boris Johnson has still not started. “I’m running to be the leader of the Conservative Party and your next prime minister,” he added. the evening before. According to the Sunday Telegraph, they spoke of a “joint candidacy” to avoid a “civil war” for the Tories. It now remains to know the positioning of Boris Johnson, who has not yet publicly embarked on this blitz campaign. Remember that it was Sunak’s resignation that led to that of his boss in early July. “The United Kingdom is a great country, but we are facing a deep economic crisis”, wrote on Twitter this former banker, who was Minister of Finance from 2019 to last July. “That’s why I’m running to be the leader of the Conservative Party and your next Prime Minister. I want to straighten out our economy, unite our party and act for our country,” he continued. Parliament Penny Mordaunt, who made her candidacy official on Friday, Rishi Sunak, who lost in early September to Liz Truss, and Boris Johnson, who resigned in July after a succession of scandals. The candidates have until Monday, 3 p.m., to appear. According to the Guido Fawkes site, which closely follows the upheavals of the campaign, Rishi Sunak had 139 sponsorships on Sunday, after the announcement of his candidacy, ahead of Boris Johnson (75) and Penny Mordaunt (27). SEE ALSO – Rishi Sunak, Boris Johnson, Keir Starmer… who can succeed Prime Minister Liz Truss?

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