At the Gemelli ‘control tower’ for those with chronic respiratory diseases

Help patients with chronic respiratory diseases as if they were planes followed by the control tower. This is the goal of Cemar, the Center for Respiratory Diseases, the new structure which the Gemelli Irccs University Polyclinic Foundation in Rome now has at its disposal. The new center was inaugurated and was born thanks to the contribution of Acea together with other donors for the purchase of the innovative technologies for remote assistance with which it is equipped. “The experience of Covid – explains Luca Richeldi, director of the Uoc of Pneumology of Gemelli and professor of respiratory diseases at the Catholic University, Rome campus – has shown us how home and territorial care represent a crucial element, but still too weak of our National Health Service and how new technologies can allow safe and effective care “. The ‘heart’ of Cemar is in fact dedicated to the Star (Respiratory Teleservice). “Further support for our patients – comments Richeldi – who often reside outside the Region. With remote assistance we can often avoid the stress and expenses that characterize health commuting, while continuing to follow them safely, also thanks to the experience gained with Covid. “” Our concept of remote assistance – continues Richeldi – can be described using the metaphor of an airport control tower. Many planes follow a predefined route and only need to be monitored; others, on the other hand, perhaps encountering turbulence, require a change of course (ie therapy for example); still others may require an emergency landing (i.e. prompt hospitalization). Our system provides alarms, especially related to oxygen saturation levels, which indicate in real time the need for medical intervention. Since the time of the Covid emergency, part of our staff has been dedicated to remote assistance; therefore we already have a trained and dedicated staff, which will begin to work not only for future Covid patients, but also for all other pulmonological patients. Our model will be this and will appeal to both the patients we already care for and those who will come. “Another strong aspect that will characterize the new center is the early diagnosis and screening of respiratory diseases.” Cancer screening programs already exist. of the lung in heavy smokers – recalls Richeldi – but there are also screening programs for other respiratory diseases, for example for relatives of patients with pulmonary fibrosis and, alongside these, screening for the early diagnosis of asthma in particular in families with increased incidence of this pathology. There are also some genetic traits that can lead to the presumption of an increased risk of a specific pathology; therefore, we will also offer genetic tests, for example for severe forms of asthma and fibrosis “. The controls offered at Cemar will naturally also make use of traditional technologies such as spirometry, carbon monoxide diffusion, walking tests, ‘nitric oxide exhaled. “A part of these technologies – says Richeldi – are now transferred to the level of remote assistance because the pulse oximeters can be connected to mobile phones for data transmission, spirometers can be used at home to then transmit the data to the center and digital stethoscopes allow doctors to remotely auscultate the patient’s chest “. All this – concludes the director of the Pneumology Unit of Gemelli – will allow us to take care of a greater number of patients. With current resources, we will be able to follow remote assistance to a pool of at least 500 patients. “To finance the new Center which strengthens the Pneumology Unit of Gemelli Many private citizens, foundations and local companies also participated, including the Carla Fendi Foundation, the Cattolica Verona Foundation, the Memmo Foundation, the Ferretti Group, Finleonardo, Kish Group, Autostar Flaminia and Auto Royal Company.

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