US elections, Spannaus: ‘concern about gasoline and inflation drives Republicans forward’

“The economy has grown, but there has been the explosion of inflation, which is a visible problem, much more visible than the positive aspects, if the Americans see the price of gasoline, spending, rents increase”. Thus Andrew Spannaus, American political analyst, founder of, explains to Adnkronos the reasons why, after the “weak” comeback of the Democrats in recent months, the new polls indicate that the economic concerns of the Americans are pushing in in favor of republicans in the next midterm elections “During the summer after the announcement of the abortion decision, the Democrats thought they could recover and there were signs in this sense, for example in the polls on the generic ballott, which means asking the citizens who would vote between Democrat and Republican, without considering the specific candidate “explains Spannaus, underlining that this will hardly be able to” overturn the fundamental aspects of this vote which are in favor of the Republicans “. It must be remembered that “the party that has the White House generally loses seats in the midterm elections, because the voters have to complain” and blame the problems on those who lead the government. In reality, according to Spannaus, in these two years “Biden has made progress on the economy, but he is suffering from problems greater than himself, the problems of the supply chain, the problems of energy” linked to the war in Ukraine. “The voters see the immediate problems, but to solve them you need long-term solutions”, he adds. Returning therefore to the elections on November 8th, if a Republican victory in the House, in the Senate seems to be a foregone conclusion – where 34 of the 100 seats are up for grabs , with the decisive duels in Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania – it could instead come back to a situation “at par 50 to 50, or with one or two more seats for the Republicans”. The orientation that still undecided voters will take in recent weeks will be decisive: “there is usually a marked trend among these voters and with the structural advantage of the Republicans, there is still hope” for them of a victory. It is also interesting to ask whether it will be a more ‘Trumpian’ republican party that will be able to win back one or both chambers on Capitol Hill: “the Republicans have so far failed in the important objective, for them and for the country, of maintaining the aspects of economic populism and abandoning those of the contestation of the elections and the protest of 2020, dangerous for the country “, replies Spannaus explaining that in November many candidates who are inspired by Donald Trump and his Maga movement will be able to win. And the increase in influence of this faction will also be interesting as regards the US policy in support of Ukraine, which was a topic practically absent from the electoral campaign “because there are no divisions in American institutions” in this regard. Although there are several Republicans who “vote against the aid package and this number may grow”, adds the American analyst, stressing that this will be an “important to note” phenomenon but will not prevent the Biden administration from finding in Congress support for its policy of military and financial support to Kiev.

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